Starring: Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr, John Cleese, Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee, Richard Attenborough, Roman Polansk
Director: Joseph McGrath
Year of release: 1969
Country: UK
In The Magic Christian,
Peter Sellers stars as the world's wealthiest man, Sir Guy Grand, who, whilst strolling through St. James' Park,comes across a homeless bum, Youngman (Ringo Starr), and decides to adopt him, making him heir to his obscene wealth.
He immediately begins bringing Youngman into the intricacies of the family business, which is to prey upon people's greed by use of the vast holdings of the Grand empire.
They leave no stone unturned as sporting events, restaurants, art galleries, and traditional pheasant hunts turn into lurid displays of bad manners and profiteering. Things climax at the social event of the season, the inaugural voyage of the new pleasure cruiser The Magic Christian.
The film is more a series of sketches than an actual story, and some of those get pretty nasty, particularly when a bunch of aristrocrats start feeding from a vat of blood and manure.Among the guest stars are Laurence Harve (in a strip-tease), John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee as Dracula, Roman Polanski, John Cleese and Yul Brynner in drag
"You must realise Sir that Oxford men cannot be bought"
"Bloody students!"
Guy Grand (an old Cambridge Blue) has a proposition for the Oxford boat race crew.
To prove that even Oxford men can be corrupted by wads of cash, he bribes them with a briefcase packed full of money. Approaching barnes bridge, their coxn cuts the rudder wires on the Cambridge crew using an expandable cutting thing..(?????) causing them to veer across the river...
The Oxford boat then ram them and break the boat in half, Cambridge sink and the Oxford crew go back - apparently to help but have a big punch up with cambridge rowers instead.
Some nice shots of Putney and the river in the late 1960's, and a scene with Spike Milligan as a traffic warden outside the Duke's Head when it was painted blue.
most bizzare...