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CLUB HOPPING 2005 (Updated October 06) |
This year's squad meetings (for all squads except juniors) will be held at the Boathouse at 8pm on Thursday September 15th.Please try your very best to make that time. However, if you can't, please do let us know of your interest, and your aspirations for the coming year, by contacting us.
The Captaincy elections are imminent, and all enquiries will therefore be fielded by:
Paul Newman (currently men's vice-captain) on 07770951096
Jonathan Price (chairman), on chairman_at_arc@yahoo.co.uk or 07970121855
Richard Brazier (junior rowing coach) on 07881852125
Abingdon RC has the cheapest membership rates on the Thames - unless, of course, you happen to be a member of the Army.Full membership is £165;
student £85;
junior £85;
and coxing £20.
There are no hidden extras like launch fees.And somehow, we manage to keep our rack rents down, as well -
an ordinary rack inside (rare availability!) is £65;
high rack inside £50;
and rack outside (rare vandalism!) £50.OTHER INFO
Check out www.abingdonrc.org.ukAbingdon RC is no longer a 'small and friendly' Club. It's now only friendly.
All squads have expanded significantly in the last 2-3 years, and there are now dynamic veteran, junior, senior men's, senior women's, and development groups.
The Club is looking to build on this expansion by raising its profile at events across the country. The veteran group, for example, wants to win - several times - at Henley Veterans Regatta, where the Club placed two eights in finals this year, losing narrowly in both.
Pay us a visit to our boathouse on a Sunday morning, and prepare to be surprised by the quantity and quality of our boats and our rowing.
The squad convenes in early Jan and disperses in Jul after Nat Champs, there is rowing during the rest of the year but this is under separate arrangements.Any member of the Army, TA or UOTC wishing to row for the Army should e-mail the secretary of Army Rowing at armyrowing@army.mod.uk.net anyone else wishing to join should contact their local Army careers office and we’ll see you for the 06/07 season!
Wars, operation deployments and exercises willing the squad train, on the water, every Sat and Sun morning, 08:30-12:30 hrs, Jan-Jul. Squad members receive a land training programme to following during the week at their units’ gym, all Army gyms come with lots of ergos and weights!
The club runs numerous rowing courses throughout the year from week long training camps for complete novices up to Instructor Award courses.Coaches: Pat Lockley and Nigel Wear are able to coach novices and top end rowers alike.
Once the entry criteria has been achieved membership does have some significant benefits likeno annual membership fee, all head/regatta entree fees covered, motor mileage allowance paid for heads/regattas, free use of any Army gym, a job that actively encourages you to be physically fit as well as giving you time off for rowing
and not forgetting the opportunity to travel to distant and exotic lands!OTHER INFO
Obviously our club does have some pretty significant entry criteria like being accepted into the Army and passing Army training, be that a year at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) for officers or 26 weeks of basic & trade training for soldiers.However members of the University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) and the Territorial Army (TA) are also eligible to row for the Army and these both have a less time consuming entry criteria!
The club has a very large, extensive and modern fleet of rowing/sculling boats for all standards and is located at St Andrews Boat House, Dorney Lake. This unique location allows rowers to choose from the River Thames between Boveney and Bray Locks (about 5km) or the Dorney Lake.
An added benefit is that the big summer regattas, Wallingford, Met and Marlow are “home” events. The club is easily accessible by car or train from Eton/Windsor. Army rowing however can and does take place wherever the Army is based, at present including Northern Ireland, Germany, Gibraltar and East Anglia.
The Army have had a crew in a Henley final for the last 3 years, winners in 05, and picked up 2 Nat Champs medals in 04, proving you don’t have to be big to be successful!
RAF and Royal Navy: - The other 2 services also row: the RAF at Danesfield near Marlow and Royal Navy at Plymouth, Portsmouth and Dorney, contact details can be sort through the Army Sec. All 3 services come under the banner of the Combined Services (CS) and members of the individual clubs can and do come together and compete as the CS.
This years squad meetings will all take place at the London Regatta Centre on Sat 1st October at 8am. If you cannot make this meeting please contact the appropriate captain below.This invite is extended to all rowers who are considering competitive rowing this year for the top club in the SE of London. If you are based in the Docklands/Greenwich/East London area and want to row at a competitive standard this should be your choice.
In the first instance interested new members should contact:
Men's Captain (Matt Ayers) matthew.ayers@lehman.com
Womens's Captain (Jill Bister) jill.bister@speechlys.com
or the Club Captain (David Hiller) d_hiller@hotmail.comCOACHES
Senior Men - Ray CassidyDevelopment Men (Novice + S4)- David Keogh, Brian Northcroft
Novices - Ann Roberts, David Hiller
Womens Squad - Pedro Figeiura, Martina Rizzoli
These coaches will be supplemented by additional coaches who will be brought in for weekend coaching and video sessions throughout the season.
Full subs £25 a month (£300)
Students £10 a month (£120)
Coxes £5 a month (£60)OTHER INFO
Curlew Rowing Club has established itself as the premier rowing club in the SE of London over the past 5 years. The club utilises the state of the art facilities at the London Regatta Centre and also has access to the tidal thames at Greenwich (7miles). The club has a riverside club house in Greenwich for the social side of rowing along with a new gymnasium which is accessible for all full members of the club.Curlew mens squads have competed for the last 6 years at Henley Royal Regatta, and the women's squad for the past 4 years. The men are aiming to build on their head successes of the last year with the goal being two boats in the top 100 at the HORR this year, the women aim to be in the top 50 of the WeHRR. The mens development squad was 20 strong last year and Curlew hopes that many of these will be rising to the senior sqaud this year, they had notable wins at Maidenhead and Stourport this year.
The annual training camp takes the squads to Banyoles in spain.
See www.curlewrowingclub.co.uk for more information
Tuesday 6th September
Winter training starts - Tuesday 4th OctoberIn the first place please contact the vice captain - Stuart Gibbons [stu_gibbons@hotmail.com]
Facilities available to members 24/7 with squad training as follows:
Land training - weekday evenings from 7pm
ergs on Tuesday,
weights on Wednesday,
circuits on Thursday (with dinner afterwards)
Weekend Outings - 9am Saturdays, 9.30am SundaysCOACHES
Mike Collier,
Nick Rowett (rowing)
Greg Edelston (fitness),
plus guests.SUBS
Current Subs (likely to go up a little in the new year):
Civil Servants (CSSC members) £140
Non Civil Servant £198
plus beer money and sundry expenses.Current Rack Rents:
£130 indoors (like Gold dust)
£100 outdoorsOTHER INFO
Cygnet is a small, friendly, inclusive club with a work hard/play hard philosophy. We cater for the full range of rowing experience from raw novices or casual scullers to competitive S2 and Henley crews (a pair in the Goblets for the last two years) and are set up for both sculling and sweeping.We're ideally located in the middle of the Tideway for outings to Putney in one direction and Richmond in the other. We have a good quality plastic fleet (mostly Janousek), dedicated gym and erg facilities, great bar and private garden.
We're always on the lookout for coxes and provide full training for steering on the Tideway. Excellent transport links, being close to Barnes Bridge on the mainline, the A4, north/south circular roads and buses to Richmond and Hammersmith
A typical rowing year includes full Head and regatta racing programmes, bi-annual sculling camps, annual trip to Germany for the Rhinemarathon, club regatta and various fun-runs, triathlons etc.
An excellent social calendar, in conjunction with our sister club BBLRC, includes numerous BBQs and parties, Black Tie events, official dinners, club day at Henley and the now infamous Waddle.
website: www.cygnet-rc.org.uk
Women's squad Restart meeting: 18th September at 10:00 a.m.Men's squad Restart meeting: 17th September at 8:30 a.m.
Please contact us by email at furnivall_sc@hotmail.com to arrange to chat at the club and name the relevant squad captain/contact in your message.
Alternatively Tel: 0208 748 6867 (best times to call are 7pm Tues & Wed and 10am Sat/Sun)
Women's squad Captain - Tina Albrecht
Men's squad Captain - Alastair Littlewood
General Sculling group: Contact Hugh Bantin
Beginners - we have an ongoing group (men and women), please contact us for details of the next course
Women's squad:
Performance Group - Ray Sullivan
Senior Group - Steven Albrecht
Novice/Development Group - Kate CowellMen's squad:
Senior Group - Alex Brown
Development Group - Tom DaviesSUBS
Standard Adult Membership is £240/annum charged quarterly. (includes all costs for launches where we train on the tideway).
Student membership is £120/annum.Additional costs are trailerage away from the tideway and to races and race entry fees. No other charges are made for use of equipment.
Waiting list for sculling racks is so long it is not even worth suggesting to people that they ask it.
We are a friendly, well equipped, well organized and expanding club, competitive from novice to Nat Champs medal-winning level. We have a very strong women's squad and a competitive men's squad, as well as veterans, a beginners group and sculling programs.We aim to send competitive crews to Henley Women's Regatta, Henley Royal Regatta and all the major Tideway Head races, as well as sending our less experienced oarsman to regional regattas. The women's squad has won medals at Nat Champs for the past three years, this year winning a silver and two bronze medals. The men's squad was consistently competitive at S1 and S2 all season, and was unlucky to meet the eventual winners at HRR in the first round.
One of our aims at Furnivall is to cater for those who wish to dedicate the training time required for success in top-level competition, and gaining a place in national squads; however we also accept that not all athletes have the time to commit to this level of training and offer opportunities to train and compete at a less serious level.
Club captain - Steve Albrecht
Club location: 19 Lower Mall, between Hammersmith Bridge and Furnivall Gardens - See our website: www.furnivall.org or our "alternate" site www.thepontoon.org.uk
Senior & Intermediate (M/F) squad meeting: Thursday 15th September at KRC, 8:00 pmNovice and Junior meetings to follow, please see website.
A panel of coaches including Tim Bramfitt, Peter Hope and Mike Clarke will be overseeing the squads this yearSUBS
Full Membership £280
Student Membership £140
Free to coxesRacking
Boathouse £120
Outside £60OTHER INFO
KRC is based on the non-tidal stretch of the Thames between Hampton Court and Teddington Lock which makes it ideally suited for both rowing and sculling disciplines.Initial winter training will be in small boats and starts on Saturday 17th September at 7:30 am.
web site: www.kingstonrc.co.uk
Squad Meeting; Training has started, come down on Thursday evenings for club circuits, 6pm onward or Saturdays (7.15 am)Contact
Paul Reedy (Chief Coach), londonrc@lineone.net
Dan Pring (Captain), 07977927667
Tom Killick (Vice-Capatin) tom_killick@hotmail.comCOACHES
Entry Fee £40.Subs:
Squad £420.
Non-squad Full £360.
Under 23 (as at 1st Feb) £300.
Coxes £90.
University £90.
Country (more than 50 miles from LRC) £70.Rack rent £180 for single.
Locker rental £48.
Sub figures are per annum and include VAT where appropriate, but those joining after 1st August in the year pay pro rata until 31st Jan.
LRC will be aiming to win events at Henley and the Nat Champs, as well as providing athletes for the Commonwealth squads.In additons LRC is involved in the ARA's High Performance Programme, for Lightweight Men. There were 2 members of this years sqaud were competing in Gifu in the LM2x and LM2-.
The first Senior Squads meeting will be on Thursday 1st September at 8pm. This is a free and open invite to anyone who is considering rowing at Maidenhead this year. The meeting is for both men and women.If you are unable to attend this meeting, the club is always open and the Club Captain (Phil Munslow) more than pleased to meet you and show you around the facilities - you can email him via the contacts page on the website.
If you are unable to email, the best times to catch him are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30pm and Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10am
We are very pleased to announce the employment Eric Sims as Director of Senior Squad Rowing at Maidenhead.Eric, who himself has had over 30 international wins, will be guiding our existing and new, mens and womens squad coaches, as well as coaching the advanced groups himself for the 05/06 season.
Further details on Eric are on the home page of our website,
Membership is £260 per year (pro rata) and includes: access to a full range of club boats, and land training facilities including 21 ergos and a strong set of Olympic standard weights.A private single sculling rack is priced at £135 for inside the boathouse and £80 outside the boathouse (both pro rata)
The clubhouse is just seven years old, Maidenhead being the one of the first sports clubs in the UK to receive a Lottery Grant to fund its new £1m facility. The club owns 5 eights, 18 fours or quads, 15 doubles or pairs, and 17 singles. The club prides itself on its friendly and welcoming nature and has a strong social scene. The club has a very nice setting and has an attractive bar and balcony area overlooking a long stretch of the Thames.Club location: Maidenhead Rowing Club, River Road, Taplow, Maidenhead, SL6 0AT . The club is situated where the A4 crosses the Thames In Maidenhead, just 5 mins from Junc 7 or 8/9 of the M4. For more detailed instructions, please refer to our website: www.maidenheadrc.org.uk
website: www.maidenheadrc.org.uk
Senior Mens squad – Training starts Saturday September 10th at 7.30am. Please contact Mens Captain Tom McGibbon for further info - tom75mcgibbon@hotmail.comSenior Womens squad meeting - 8:30am Sat 10th September at MRC– haleyr@rhltd.freeserve.co.uk, andy@knill100.freeserve.co.uk, Lisa@knill100.freeserve.co.uk
Junior squad will meet at 09:00 on Saturday 3rd September- contact Lead coach Russell Peacock (Contact Russ_Peacock@Hotmail.com)
We welcome back chief coach Maurice Hayes along with Paul Franklin and John Stevenson.Coaches for the Senior Women Russ Haley and Andy Knill.
Novice / Development Squad coach Lisa Knill.
Coaching for the Junior Boys Russell Peacock, Roy Prosser, Sean Farrelly, Ian Hewitt, Paul Reynolds and Joff Spencer-Jones with additional help from the ex-juniors Internationals of the club.
Coaching for the Junior Girls will be Bret King and Rob Thomson
Sean Farrelly will be in charge of the Junior Development Group.
Seniors £260,Juniors £150
The men's squad will be looking to improve again on last years performances with 2 high calibre crews qualifying for Henley - the Wyfold 4 being seeded and progressing through to the semi finals as well as picking up a bronze at the National Championships, and the Brit four unlucky to exit in the first round. Training consists of 2 sessions per day at weekends from 7.30 with land training from 6.30pm Mon - Thursday and optional morning sessions.Women's squad - Normal training 07:30, 11:00 weekends, 18:30 Monday-Thursday
Junior Squad Training -Monday to Friday in the evening starting at 16:45; Saturday and Sunday starting at 08:00.
Club Captain: - Bret King
The rowing club is on the Berkshire side of the river right next to Marlow Bridge and opposite the Compleat Angler Hotel. For further info please see our website www.marlowrowingclub.org.uk
There was a club meeting on Thursday 1st September to meet the new coaches. Any prospective new members should contact the captain Luke Howells (captain @ maabc.com) and give details of which group you'd like to join.A kick off meeting for newcomers may be arranged around 17th September.
Land training starts on Monday 19th September (from 6pm at the club). Newcomers are welcome to turn up then.
Alternatively call the club on 020 8994 1628 (Saturday morning around 9am is a good time)
Women - Piers Robinson
Men - Merv Lee
Intermediates - to be advised
Supporting: Ian Roots, Jimmy Di LuzioSUBS
Full Annual - £265
Reduced - £130 (student rate)
new members joining now would pay until December 31st - approximately £70
Note MAA is an adult club, only taking juniors in special circumstances.Rack rent -
£130 (inside)
£100 (outside)OTHER INFO
MAA is looking to build on the success brought about by having a full time coach for the past 3 years. The new coaching structure is designed to help all MAA athletes achieve their potential as individuals, and maximise the number of wins / achievements at the major Tideway heads, Henley regattas, National Championships and Commonwealth Regatta.MAA is an open and friendly club, with opportunities for coached rowing at all levels including beginners, aspiring international, veterans, intermediate and club level athletes. We have an excellent fleet of boats and a newly refurbished gym extension. We are located on Chiswick reach, just upstream of Chiswick Bridge and enjoy a fairly peaceful section of the tideway - Ibis Lane, Hartington Road, W4 3UJ.
Men and Womens squad follow different weekday land/water training sessions (up to 6 per week), but share water outings from 7am on weekends. Intermediate squad normally start at 9am on weekends.
Annual training camp will be around Easter shortly after the mens HoRR to prepare the top squads for the summer racing season.
MAA are currently looking for more coxes and coaches to support the growing club. Both can expect personal development - all coxes are coached, and coaches will have the opportunity to work alongside the main squad coaches.
Further details can be found on www.maabc.com (or www.mortlake.net)
Training starts 01/10/2005
Novice Training Course, for those new to rowing, from 09/10/05 for 6 weeks
James Stockdale (Captain), jstockdale@london.comMark Lardner (Membership), pprcsecretary@hotmail.com
Novice Training Course
Victoria McLeod-More, (Vice Captain – Novices) vmore@tiscali.co.ukCOACHES
Coaching available for Men’s Squad, Women’s Squad and Novice SquadSUBS
Full Membership = £180.
House (non-racing) = £120 Honorary and Coxes = £20Payments are made every 4 months by Standing Order. Honorary is paid annually.
New members placed on Full membership for their first year (except coxes and coaches).
PPRC, a growing and active club (both on and off the water), welcomes all: Novices to experienced rowers***Coxes especially welcome, with lots of training provided***
Club caters for both Racing and Social rowing, but as our Active Squad is relatively new they are keen to race, building on wins last year. Full race schedule planned for 2006. Non-racing trips/challenges considered. Sculling is very limited.
We are based at Barn Elms (facing Fulham Football Club)
Outings are 8am Saturdays, and Sundays.
Weekdays (Summer)
Land training on Mon & Wed. 7pm @ HSBC Boathouse
Saturday 17th September at the boathouseFor more details contact the Captain
Nick Ryan - Senior Squad
John Peters - Novices and WomenAssistants
Willy Almand
Richard WhiteSUBS
Subject to change at the AGM on the 25th September but likely to be £260Sculling racks are available
Quintin is looking to build towards its centenary year of 2007 with a strong year across all parts of the club from Novice to Veteran.key is to keep the rowing enjoyable, have regular testing, monitored land training and waterwork throughout the winter in small boats under competitve conditions. We will be atteding many of the Winter heads in force with over 14 scullers in the Henley Sculling Head last year.
Training camp will be in May at Aiguebelette and trips are already planned to Berlin in October as guests of Berlinner Ruderclub.
Advanced plans are in place for a trip to Brazil in 2007 as part of the Centenary Celebrations. The club has now got a stable home having signed a lease agreement with the University at Chiswick and as well as being a member of Quintin you can use facilities at the Memorial Sports Ground.
The club has a well stocked and balanced fleet with some lots of Empachers for the top end of the club.
Quintin is inviting new members along to try us out. See website for more details www.quintinboatclub.org
Please meet in the bar in the clubhouse for the squad meetings. If you can email to say your coming it'd be helpful.Women's Squad meeting at 7pm on 5th September
Men's Squad meeting at 7pm on 6th September
Junior Training start date tbcCOACHES
Men - Peter Politzer continues coaching the top end of the seniors. Coaching the remaining seniors and development squad (and to be added to) are Tony Pigot & Nicola GustWomen - Charlie Simpson & Will Curtis-Brown will be coaching the women's senior squad with Jim Flood coaching the women's development squad.
Juniors - David Brown takes on the role of Junior Head Coach, supported by Simon Brind, Jennie Webster, Rob Burnage & Tom Cronin.
The following fees are pro-rata with the membership year running 1st April - 31st March.
Adults - £265
Students / Juniors - £132.50
Colts - £100
Associate - £25
Cox/Coach - FreeIn addition to the above there is a one off joining fee of £30
Sculling Racks - £130 (where available - contact membership secretary via website)
The clubs website is at www.readingrc.org with a Captain's Log at http://readingrc.blog.co.uk/mainContacts will be confirmed later this month, in the meantime, please contact philwortley@mac.com
We have an excellent (& picturesque) 6km stretch of river which is not too crowded and some very nice club facilities. On top of that we have a great social scene and (& this is quite rare), everybody is very friendly! The club caters for all levels and all ages of rower/sculler.
There will be a meeting on Saturday 10th September at 11am at Linden House for all those thinking of coming along to Sons this season – chance to meet captains, coaches, other crew members and discuss plans for the seaons. <;p>Novices and experienced rowers welcome. Please see the Sons website for directions www.sonsrowing.org.uk).Please could you let us know in advance if you’d like to attend, so we can make sure there are enough information packs for everyone.
No subs payable for 2-3 months if you decide to stay.Subs year starts in Jan/Feb
£250 full members
£180 beginners
coxes £80.Racking - £130 per year, payable in advance.
Mens captain contact – Ian Sumter – 07782 306404 – isumter@bentleyreid.co.ukWomens captain contact – Lyndsey Campbell – Lyndsay.Campbell@KPMG.co.uk
Men's Squad - Proposed season kick off meeting is at 8am on Sat 8th October at 8.00am. Short meeting then training!COACHES
A reminder to all who wish to be involved in coaching of any rowing at Staines Boat Club for the forth coming season.Robin Dunlop is organising a discussion forum on Sept 10th at 10 am at SBC - all existing and potential coaches welcome.
General idea is to discuss ideas and formulate a plan for the squads, your thoughts and points are welcome via email (cutthemustarduk@yahoo.co.uk).
Please note we are joining the Junior Squads BBQ after so if you wish to eat bring a steak to stick on the barbie.
Full Rowing £230.00
Student/UB40 Rowing £115.00
Leisure Rowing £150.00 (may not race for club)
Social £40 (includes coxes)
Junior Rowing £105.00
Country £30.00 (must live a significant distance from club)RACK FEES -
£100.00 per boat indoors
£50.00 per boat outdoorsOTHER INFO
Staines is a friendly and welcoming club. We have a variety of membership categories to suit all, from the avid (every day, all week, come rain or shine) rower to the social only (the bar will suit me just fine) ex-rower.All squads have expanded in recent years and 04/05 saw major wins at Henley Women's and at the Nat Champs.
Latest News
All squads - Circuits will begin as soon the gym slot is confirmed - first off is a bleep test!THAMES SQUAD MEETING men's squad (ie senior men ex-novices) are meeting at 8am on Saturday 17th Sept.
All new members, Saturday 24th September at 9am.In the meantime, please feel free to contact us on the appropriate email address:
men@thamesrc.co.uk (senior men)
novicemen@thamesrc.co.uk (novice men )
women@thamesrc.co.uk (senior and novice women)
Large team including:Women:
Miles Forbes Thomas
Gary Stubbs
Phil Taylor
Steve AustinMen:
Paddy Ryan
Bob Downey
Richard WardNovices
Clive WhitfordJuniors
Sallie Malt...and many more
Full rowing - £470
(£50 discount for prompt payment in full)Student rowing - £250 (£30 discount for prompt payment in full)
Coxing - £100
Sculling racks - £200 per annum
(There is a waiting list)OTHER INFO
Thames is a large, friendly club with a long and proud history. We are always keen to welcome new members - from novices to Olympians, juniors through to veterans. Anyone who is keen to train and compete should come and give us a try!Boat fleet: 30 boats under 5 years old, Over 90 club boats in total
Facilities: New building opened 2005 including:
- Large circuits/core stability gym
- Separate heavy weights gym
- Rowing tank (being fitted out)
- Ergo room:
- 18 Concept2 model Cs and Ds
- 6 Rowperfects
2005 results: A very successful year including:
- Winners of Remenham Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta
- Britannia, Wyfold and Princess Grace finalists at HRR
- 2 wins and 5 finals at Henley Women’s Regatta
- Novice pennant at Women’s Eights Head
- Wins at Ball Cup (juniors)
- Three club members representing GB at the World Championships
8am Saturday 17th September at TTRC.For both old and new members alike.
Please contact Adam White on captain@ttrc.org.uk
Coaching will be from:
Fred Badowski
Alison Faires
John Gelling
Nick WatkinsSUBS
All fees annual - discount for early payment!Full membership £280
Student rates £140Racking fee £95
TTRC are looking to build off the back of another good season. The men's squad includes a good mix of youth and experience. The squad has been growing in strength over the last few years, and will be looking to continue these achievements in all the major races this season, including the Eights Head and Henley Royal Regatta.The TTRC women's squad is enjoying a renaissance, and good results are predicted for this season at the top levels.
Anyone interested in rowing at any level, men or women, please contact captain@ttrc.org.uk
For more details, or to get a feel for the club, please visit the website www.ttrc.org.uk
The Squad Meetings will be arranged over the next few weeks. Please check the website for details.COACHES
Alan Inns
Bill Barry
Tom Gale
Steve Luker
Nick Rowett
Phil Rowley
Jack Carr
Paul WillisSUBS
Full Membership £312
Student Membership £156Boat Racking
Arch £60
Boathouse £90OTHER INFO
Mens Squad, Simon Suthers 07769 696423
Womens Squad, Steve Luker 07903 762518
Vets Squad, Chris Williams 07785 288347web site: http://www.tidewayscullers.com/
This year’s Men’s Squad meeting is scheduled for the 1st October with the Women’s TBC.In the mean time please feel free to email the Men’s Captain, Mike Bull at menscaptain(at)wrc.me.uk or Women’s Captain, Heather Musgrave at womenscaptain(at)wrc.me.uk.
Alternatively please email the Club Captain, Ben Townsend at captain(at)wrc.me.uk.
High Performance Programme – Rob Dauncey and Pete SudburyMen’s Squad – Pat Lockley
Women’s Squad – Ben Townsend
Novice Squad – Susan Allen
Junior Squad – Tony Wheel and Gus Gray
Young Vets – Pete King
Older Vets – Mike Maggs
Additionally Wallingford have a pool of coaches who will work with the Head Coaches supplementing the coaching framework – Lez Dix, Michael Drury, Bob Newby, Tom Williams, Alex Marsh, Mike Floyd, Pete Bannister, Lulu Butler-Stoney and Martin Parr.
The club is committed to continuing coach development, with coach mentoring and coaching good practice seminars running through the year.
Full - £230
Student/Junior U18 - £115
OAP - £115
Non-rowing - £115
Recreational - £115
Junior U16 - £85
Unwaged - £80
Social - £10
Cox/Coach - £30Rack Rent:
Inside - £125
Outside - £95OTHER INFO
Wallingford RC is keen to grow on it’s reputation as one of the friendliest rowing clubs in the country, offering it’s members the best in equipment, training, coaching and with 12 km of river, can boast one the longest and best non-tidal stretches in the country (sharing it’s water with OUBC, OULRC and Oxford Brookes).Exeter College, Oxford University Lightweight RC and the Army RC regularly boat from Wallingford RC adding to the diversity and training opportunities the club can offer.
Wallingford RC is also home to two of the largest Head races and runs the largest and most successful one day regatta in the country.
Large boathouse currently racking 112 boats Large weights and circuits gym Erg room with 12 ergs Access to Oxford University’s rowing tank Bar and patio (ideal for post-training shandy and bbqs!) 2005 results:
3 boats pre-qualifying for Henley Royal Regatta In excess of 40 wins at local regattas 3 wins at Henley Veterans Regatta 3 junior representatives at the Coupe de Jeunesse 5 senior representatives at the World Championships Club Website: www.wallingford.rowing.org.uk
Men (Senior and Development): Wednesday, September 14th, 7.30pm at Vesta - if people could contact Ian Cranna (ian@vrc.org.uk) in advance that would be helpful.Women (Senior): Wednesday August 17th, as this date has passed, please contact Pete Williams (pete@vrc.org.uk)
Women (Development): Information from Jayne Bowers (jayne@vrc.org.uk)
(Novice): training starts on the 10th September 2005, more information from Paul Lorenzato (paull@vrc.org.uk)
Ian Cranna, Paul Wilcocks, Dan Webb (Senior), Matt Gilliver (Development)
Pete Williams and Noel Casey (Senior), Jayne Bowers and Andrew Trimble (Development), Paul Lorenzato (Novice).SUBS
Full Sub (2004/5): £350,
£100 (student),
£50 (coxes)Racking: £125 (there is little space, contact the captain Helen Christison, helen@vrc.org.uk, to enquire)
The coaches have outlined some of their intentions, linked via http://vrc.org.uk/rowing.phtmlIn particular the senior women will be attempting to build on recent successes (HWR and Nat Champs medals, top 15 at the Women's Head, qualification for Henley Royal),the development and the novice groups are looking to act as stepping stones into the next groups up.
The men, after two eights qualifying for Henley Royal, and a top 50 finish at the Head are looking to build on several years of upward progress. There will be a development group this year (for new, novice and S4 oarsmen), with the express purpose of providing a feeder group for the senior squad this group will be for athletes committed to future top level competition.