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Lettuce is a bit thin on the ground at the moment, not helped by having too much to do and trips to the US...Anyway, it appears that a Walton crew received a public warning at Walton & Weybridge regatta for foul language and inappropriate behaviour. Apparently for swearing loudly at a barge which cut across their lane during their race (they may even have hit it).
Understandable, you may think , but think again, for at the time of the incident they were directly opposite an umpire who warned them for their language, so demonstrating high levels of intelligence they promtly stuck 2 fingers up at the umpire... yes, well...
Also reported, apparently some new signs were spotted at P'boro Regatta - declaring that anyone found using the lake between 9pm and 7am is likely to be given a warning or disqualified - can't say it bodes well for nekkid 8s come August ....
The signs also said that the lake was closed half an hour before racing begins which didn't stop one bright chap, who was merrily paddling along until 18 minutes before start time - when he decided to come in, from being given an official warning.
On being told, his response was "well there was no one out on the lake".
Quite! Perhaps they'd bothered to read the sign?
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The PLA has appointed its first ever river manager on the upper reaches of the tidal Thames.
Alexander Brown, a keen rower (Vesta) and sailor who is working to build closer links with the leisure boating community, moved into his newly refurbished office at Richmond Lock this week (veh nice).
Harbourmaster for the Upper Tidal Thames, Christopher Mendoza said: "Alex was the ideal choice for this job. As a leisure boater himself, he’s best placed to make crucial links between the Authority and recreational river users. He’ll lead PLA input for important Thames events like the Heads of the River races, the University Boat Race and the Great River Race. With Alex’s appointment we now have all the building blocks to continue the transformation of our operation which is the heartland of rowing in England."
Caption competition entries for the attached photo to the usual address (tidewayslug@aol.com) - well it's asking for it...
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Picture the scene... you're racing in the Championship Sculls at the National Schools Regatta on Sunday and as well as being the fastest sculler in the time trials, you've also recorded the fastest time in the semi finals. Things are looking good...It's now the final, and you can almost taste the medal... pushing away from the field at 750m when your boat (yes, the one that's supposed to be more than adequate for your weight) starts to swamp...
It then goes on to swamp completely, while curiously the other boats in the final stay relatively dry.
What would you do?
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Those wandering along Putney embankment last thursday were greeted by the unusual sight of a group of people on an ARA L2 rigging course (which was taking place outside Thames Rowing Club), disolving into fits of hysterics.The magic moment occurred when Dr Chris George, complete with green florescent vest and cycle helmet, was spotted standing outside LRC gesturing, with arms aloft in dismay, as two crews cruised past inside the moored boats in opposite directions, on the rising tide for all the world to see.
If only someone had had a camera to capture the moment...
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Some slime from Chiswick regatta at the start of May, which I've just discovered loitering in my inbox...
The first of the attached photos shows the sort of thing that can happen when foolish umpires who might be called M*rtin C*rr (names disguised to protect the guilty) let their flags and radio slip over the side of their launch whilst not looking.
The flags were at least rescued during the next race by the eagle-eyed Chas Newens.
As for the second pic, forgive me, but perhaps safety slug has just missed one bit of the Water Safety Code up until now...
The bit where it says "umpires and trainees shall wear lifejackets, EXCEPT WHEN THEY HAVE BILL COLLEY'S MAGIC SAFETY STRING TO HOLD ON TO"
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Thames Ditton regatta enjoyed another year of renaissance on Saturday with 219 races in ten and a half hours (and they still finished four minutes early).However, one event which spoilt an otherwise good day of racing was the unusual penalty of a Public Warning for unsportsmanlike behavior that was awarded to Slough Comprehensive.
Their Novice 8, a J16 crew, raced and won two rounds... reaching the final, from which they promptly withdrew.
Although no reason was given for the withdrawal, the slug suspects that those wanting enlightenment could do worse than examining the J16B entries for National Schools' next weekend - for if a crew wins Novice they can't race J16B.
Now, we must be clear that the crew were (or rather, their coach was) perfectly entitled to take this action within the rules of racing but as any fule kno, as an action it was not exactly fair to the crews they had beaten nor to their opposition in the final - hence the Public Warning (for those who are not aware of such things, a Public Warning is an announcement given over the public address to the assembled crowd at a regatta, advising of the warning and explaining why the warning has been given - warts and all).
All Eton crews from then on, were given an official warning - a light punishment in the grand scheme of things as it was within the powers of the race committee to disqualify all Eton crews from the regatta.
Hopefully, actions such of those of Eton at the regatta, will not become a fashion - if you can't stand the heat -- keep out of the kitchen.
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If you think you had it bad at the Docks on Sunday, then be glad you weren't racing at Mantes in France, where a short but violent storm hit the water and boat park on Sunday afternoon, during the second day of the Régates de Masse.With over 2000 rowers at the regatta and more than 100 boats on the water, the storm couldn't have come at a worse time. It resulted in numerous equipment breakages (including a BBG double "decapitated" by a flying Versailles eight), sinking boats and lots of swimming rowers, though miraculously there were only minor injuries, apart from two people who were seriously wounded by a falling tree.
Some disturbing photos of the carnage can be seen at:
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It was an eventful Walter Scott Edinburgh vs Glasgow Boat race on the Clyde this year.
The attached picture is of the Men's 1st VIII race, taken about the time the Edinburgh stroke apparently decided he'd rather row for Glasgow...
After a spot of clash induced swimming he found himself being dragged onto the Glasgow boat, at which point he realised the error of his ways and dived into the water againt to swim back to his original crew.
Edinburgh romped home in all the other events bar the Lady's Graduates.
More pics of the carnage can be seen on the Clyde Gallery
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Move over retro kit & gimp suits and say goodbye to the four man base -- for The slug is proud to be able to bring you the latest in rowing fashion from that club at the cutting edge..... Yes, we bring you the Tideway Scullers Mankini, as modelled on Chiswick Bridge by the shameless (and, I must say, slightly hairy) Mr Jamie Halliday - style guru.
(not for the faint at heart)
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Taken on Sunday at Gent International Regatta.Jonners Smith-Willis (Double HRR Medallist) and Ekaterina Karsten (Double Olympic Gold Medallist)
Though we're not 100% sure which one's which...
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Looking suitably unimpressed...