In keeping with the current trend, the slug has news of yet another oarsman who has recently braved the steely glare of the TV cameras. This time it was Poplar's very own Torpedo Toby who did the honours, in the process proving, once and for all, that it is not just maritime warfare of which he is a master.Last week saw Toby's appearance on breakfast TV, discussing the soon-to-be-released film epic "Enemy at the Gates", which tracks the story of two snipers involved in the battle for Stalingrad during World War Two.
Sources close to Toby have denied that training at the Docks this winter has actually been a form of sensory deprivation, designed to replicate the feel of a long siege through a Russian winter. [Though recent TRC visitors to the Docks, for seat racing, may disagree!]
Meanwhile Poplar stalwarts have suggested Toby would also be well placed to comment on "Trailer Wars" and "Knackered Renault Van Rage", should the latter two titles ever make it to the silver screen...
The slug was hanging around Putney embankment recently when Oxford were coming in from an outing. Overhearing the conversation between the crew members, the slug nearly choked on its lettuce when one guy turned to his two mates and said (in all seriousness), "Do you remember the '92 Olympics when that little boy cried when he won his medal?"sweet...