![]() | MIXED PAIRS?? |
The recent bout of uncharacteristically hot sunny weather in the UK, means that the last few regattas have been even sweatier than usual, but, as every rower knows, you can't beat a good shower to wash it all off after a days racing - if you can find a shower that is...The slug was therefore impressed to hear about the actions of a couple of oarswomen at Bewdley regatta (a two day camping type regatta)last weekend. After racing, a young woman from one of the Hammersmith clubs joined the long queue for the lone girlies' shower at the clubhouse, but was dismayed to find that after 15 minutes the queue hadn't moved and there were still about 10 people in front of her.
After discussing the situation with the rower next to her in the queue, they decided there was nothing to do.... but use the men's communal showers instead. The girls strode purposefully into the men's changing room and asked if any of the boys minded dreadfully if they stripped naked and joined them in the shower - funnily enough, there weren't any objections...
In a statement to the slug confirming the event, one of the women in question said "The showers were cold, so there wasn't much to see when we walked in and they all turned round."
Infact, The slug can assure our more sensitive readers, that a high level of civility was retained by all concerned, as the oarswoman reported "It was very pleasant, they were all really friendly and I've never had so many men anxious talk to my face...."
Whoever said the British were reserved??
The members of Thames RC were honoured by the presence of HRH Prince Michael of Kent recently for a bit of boat naming. During the buffet which followed, accompanied by the obligatory social climbing, one of HRH's detectives approached TRC Chairman Bob Gullett:
"I thought you ought to know." reported the concerned officer "but there's a TRAMP helping himself to the buffet."
The Slug was most amused to discover, that the "tramp" in question turned out to be none other than the esteemed, longtime TRC MEMBER and devout misogynist, Tim Wilson!!! It was soon pointed out to the detective that Mr Wilson probably owns more land than his royal employer. Though he allegedly doesn't spend his bucket loads of dosh on clothes (or deoderant!)
Well, what more can I say... ummm quite a lot really, but I'm consulting with my lawyers first.heh, heh, heh...
Although the cold weather put a bit of a damper on the naked racing at Peterborough last weekend - only one IV and one VIII were spotted out in the wee small hours - voyeurs were not too disappointed, as the flesh was out en masse in the hot sweaty confines of the dancing tent. Infact, the large numbers of well defined bare male torsos gave it an atmosphere not dissimilar to that of a gay club, one rather short individual was even dancing away stark bollock naked, without a care in the world, his willy jiggling around like a baby hamster on acid...The naked tent pole climbing, proved as popular as ever, with a couple of topless girlies joining in among the boys. The slug was standing near the bottom of one of the poles which gave an interesting perspective to the event, albeit one I'd rather not have to suffer again.
TwRC member and Peterborough pole veteran Mr Richard Binch, keen to top his naked fall from the top of the tent last year, tried to stamp his own special mark on the event when he climbed the pole wearing only his girlfriend's bra. Alas, Richard isn't used to unhooking bras when he's wearing them himself, and was unable to leave the afore mentioned item of clothing at the top, and complete the stunt, before being booed off by the fickle crowd below...
The horizontal rain didn't stop the masses from camping, although those safely tucked up in bed at the Butterfly hotel probably thought they'd done the right thing anyway. So let your sympathy go out to Thames RC member Mr Will Smith, who, after an evening of solid drinking, staggered back to the tent he was supposed to be sharing with fellow Thames member Will "club stud" Presley at 2am, only to have the owner tell him to "kindly f*ck off, I've pulled". Poor William was unable to locate a suitable alternative and ended up sleeping the Vodka and Redbull off in the wet grass...
...but what's really ironic is, it has since transpired, that the woman who took Will's place in the tent doesn't remember anything.
Some rather worrying tales involving Mike "Yoda" Spraklen have reached the slug from pre-Worlds training at Ontario.It seems that one night a couple of the GB men's squad were out enjoying an evening off. Being red blooded young men, they decided to take in the local Canadian entertainment, by way of a rather dodgy strip club type place, and had settled in for the evening when who should who appear, in the aforementioned establishment, but young Yoda himself.
Obviously, as soon as they recognised the GB Women's coach, the boys thought they should do the decent thing and invite him to join them, but for some reason their calls of "over here Mike" had the opposite effect, and he scuttled off at great speed.
Not fast enough though, for, by the following morning, his appearance was common knowledge and he got a standing ovation when he came in for breakfast.
Last weekend saw a contingent of Novice, Veteran and S3 men from Twickenham descend on GLOUCESTER for Ross bank holiday regatta. No doubt you'll all be glad to hear that, with guidance from TwRC regatta veteran, Mr Doug Knox, the Novice boys didn't take long to get the hang of things..Yes, on Monday morning most of their tents were empty, but one at a time, they were seen to emerge from around the camp site... wasn't it nice of those Weybridge Ladies to put the poor lads up for the night, when they were too drunk to find their way back to their own tents...
Admist all this "summer lovin'", The slug feels sorry for the poor girl who managed to pull one particular Twickenham member, as it appears he failed to live up to expectations, and fell asleep after announcing that he didn't "want to penetrate" her...
The TwRC boys weren't the only ones to suffer the excesses of alcohol, and the Crabtree boys, learnt a valuable lesson when they were hammered by Worcester in Elite VIII's, after being spotted out on the beers and curry the night before.
Sunday saw mainly Junior and Veteran races, which may explain why one of the Weybridge girls was overheard asking if hedgehog Jim would give her his phone number quickly as - "her mum was waiting for her". Though this appaling (illegal??) behaviour may be explained by his following the example of a certain TwRC senior rower a bit too closely...
Meanwhile Suicide Bob - AKA Dan of the blue cardigan - was seen persuading Nick "camp" Lane carry him through a nasty patch of stinging nettles, now that's crew devotion for you, especially as this wasn't long after Dan left the keys to the van - in the van door for several hours with everyone's camera's and other valuables inside.
The never ending physical mess that is Tony Cromarty had its latest installment during one of the S4 men's heats. Tony was able to race at the weekend, despite popping a rib while sleeping (?) a couple of nights earlier, but proceeded to get a spectacular, mid-race nose bleed, which kind of gives a different perspective on pulling your guts out...
There are numerous reasons why young men shouldn't make a habit of wandering round with their lycra all-in-ones around their waists - showing off those manly torsos, but the slug can perhaps finally convince you of the truth of this, with the help of a photograph that has come into our posession...Picture the scene, Henley Royal Regatta and an American crew (St Pauls we think..) has just come off the water having lost their semi final. They pick up their boat and start to carry it back to the boat tents above heads - Lycra all-in-ones peeled down to their waists...
Meanwhile a couple of British reprebates are wandering around the competiors enclosure with a camera, looking for trouble. Spotting the American crew, Miscreant no 1 has an evil idea and bets one of his mates that he won't help gravity along.
This wicked boy looks around and realising that it's hard to punch someone when your carrying an VIII, takes the dare...
CLICK HERE to see the unfortunate result. (Those of a sensitive nature may be offended by what's at the other end of this link)
If anyone knows the identity of this poor sod, please let us know (slug@twrc.org)