![]() | TRY THIS AT HOME |
Neil Wallace of Inverness boat club has been keeping himself out of trouble by producing some rather nice analysis of top internationals rowing technique from the FISA DVD (all done with permission).The resulting files are a useful coaching aid and give a good view into the slightly differning ways of "how it should be done".
Check them out
Marcel Hacker
Rumyana Neykova - view 1
Rumyana Neykova - view 2
Fiona Milne
Stephano Basalini
Ekaterina Karsten
Olaf Tufte
![]() | BID-UP ROWING? |
The slug was rather amused on Thursday morning to spot a copy of this week's BA News (the British Airways in house, rah-rah, weekly paper), sporting a large photo of the latest publicity stunt for the London 2012 Olympic bid.
The photo (click on thumbnail to the left) shows a coxed four crewed by Louis Attrill at stroke, Ben Hunt Davis at bow, Rod Eddington in the three seat and Richard Branson at two... but what really got the slug's little feelers quivering, was the sight of Sebastian Coe crammed into the coxn's seat of a BOWLOADER Empacher - which as we all know, are usually designed with 12 yr old anorexics in mind.
So, wondering just how Mr Coe managed to get his alleged 5 ft 10 inch frame wedged into the boat (and if he ever got out again), we asked Rod Eddington.
"Well, he's not that big -- quite little really... you'd think he was big, but he's not." came the reply.
So there you are - either Seb Coe has shrunk, or it was just that trick of the eye, where everyone looks short next to 6 ft 5in Olympic rowers...
(Still, he doesn't look very comfortable)
Regular readers of the Slug will remember that WG East's book "Rowing" circa 1904 advocated use of Indian Clubs for training"A rowing man should not confine his preparation entirely to the strict traing period, he should keep fairly fit through the winter if he desires to be at his best in the spring and summer. To this end he should row leisurely once or twice a week if convenient and practise ball-punching, skipping and Indian clubs. Indian club swinging is possibly the best of exercises for oarsmen during the winter months"
Well, after recently purchasing a 1934 copy of "The Enclclopedia of Sports Games and Pastimes" for a mere two quid in the local charity shop, we are now at liberty to share with you the lost secrets of this historic form of winter training.
"In shape the Indian club resembles a slender long necked bottle with a nob at the end... The wrist plays an important part in the exercises."
sounds perfect for Elite oarsmen....
![]() | DON'T FALL IN... |
Not a good time to go swimming in the Tideway as the river's rather disgusting at the moment...http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/3535278.stm
In fact, if you row on the tidal, or semi-tidal Thames, DON'T GO OUT AT ALL - For reasons of health and safety the Thames regional rowing council, under guidance from the various water authorities are advising members not to go rowing below Teddington lock, until further notice.
This is because the levels of sewerage in the Thames (and consequently, the accompanying levels of dead fish) are very high after the storms on Tuesday.
The authorities are working to clean up the river and members are asked to listen to local radio for the latest advice.
Oh and probably worth reminding you about the symptoms of Giardia, incase you've already managed to injest some Thames water since Tuesday... (n.b. IT'S VERY CONTAGIOUS)
"Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, loose or watery stool, stomach cramps, upset stomach, bloating and flatulence. Symptoms typically begin 1-2 weeks after infection and may wane and reappear cyclically. Most people are asymptomatic; only about a third of infected people exhibit symptoms. "More details HEREMind you, on the bright side the following link could prove if some people really will buy anything, even bottled sh*t...
Zero bids so far... but 3 days to go
I know making boats from this sort of thing is not allowed under current ARA rules --
(2-3-8c) "No boat shall make use of any substance capable of modifying the natural properties of water to improve performance" ..but how would you know....?
An oarsman writes...
"As I sat on the flight headed for Banyoles I realised I wasn't just leaving behind England's green and pleasant land, but also that small corner that will forever be Dorney. I thought of the Betjeman Poem describing his love for "Slough". And so, with the same affection, I decided to update his work...."Dorney (By Benjamin)Come friendly bombs hit Dorney Lake!
For every British rower’s sake,
This suffering I no longer take,
Throw out my toys!Come, bombs and blow to pieces,
The ducks, swans and all the geeses,
The landing stage with all their faeces,
Rip out the buoys.Mess up the mess they call a course,
Which hurts me without remorse,
This wicked life I must divorce,
For many years.And get the man with megaphone,
Whose constant drivel I bemoan,
Why can’t he just piss-off home?
My aching ears.And smash the bike, on which he sits,
And smash his radio to bits,
To silence all his shouting fits,
For peace of mind.Don’t spare the man whose speeding trap,
Delays cleaning of weed and crap,
Which slows down my every lap,
May he be fined.Its evil wind blows from the side,
Straight across, no place to hide,
I often think of suicide,
I can’t steer straight.And talk of the Olympics here,
Fills future athletes up with fear,
For those poor souls I shed a tear,
This land I hate.Crews labour home, weigh down my heart,
To watch technique all fall apart,
They do not know with what to start,
Their spirit fails.Come friendly bombs, hit Dorney Lake,
Its evils spirit you must break,
Leave nothing left in your wake,
The earth exhales.
What can I say....http://www.glrf.info/cgi-bin/blog/blog.pl/2004/07/23#FriJul2310:50:482004
Bewdley Regatta which takes place on the river Severn just outside Birmingham may not normally be be of much interest to those of you who train on the Thames (other than AK pot hunters), but a lack of water in the river this year, caused some interesting racing conditions -- mainly for scullers on the town side of the course -- as going just two feet outside of their racing lane meant that boats would run aground just before the finishNot many regattas where you'll see people pushing their boat over the line!!!!
(Click thumbnails to enlarge)
![]() | TEMPTING FATE? |
The 'mighty' rowing machine that is Thames Rowing Club suffered a bit of upset at Staines Regatta last weekend, when they were knocked out in the semi finals of the S2 VIII”s by er... Putney Town.The Putney town crew, on a bit of a roll, then went on to win in the final against a composite crew from Nephthys / Auriol Kensington / Nottingham Uni BC.
Meanwhile, The club in red black and white were seen to be sulking around their trailer, de-rigging their 8 (somewhat earlier than expected) while muttering “That wasn’t meant to happen, not against Putney”.
Of more amusement was the totally unbiased way (cough cough) in which the race umpire at the start officially warned the Thames crew... stating “In the next round Thames, I will expect you to be all wearing matching kit”...
Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing?
Word has it that rowers on the Staines reach are suffering under the tyrany of a large evil swan that goes by the name of "Tyson".As well as doing normal swan hissy things; terrorising pensioners and trying to drown other swans for fun; Tyson appears to have developed a love for attacking anything that bears even a vague resemblance to a rowing boat - scullers, pairs, fours, and even eights are all "game on" for the evil beast.
Scarey stuff...