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CLUB HOPPING 2006 (Updated 16th September) |
Men's Squad - Anyone interested in rowing or coaching at SBC is encouraged to come along at 10am on Sat 2nd Sept.
If you can't make it then contact Mark Ansley-Watson - contact details at www.stainesboatclub.co.ukWomen's Squad - As above but at 9.30am on Sat 2nd Sept. If you want to row, but cannot make the meeting - please contact sbcwomen@hotmail.com.
The team includes Steve Ballantine, Bob Slade, Geraint Price, Adam Gill, Jeremy Pollen and Ted Dyos.SUBS
Full Rowing £240.00
Student/UB40 Rowing £120.00
Leisure Rowing £160.00 (may not race)
Social £40 (includes coxes)
Junior Rowing £120.00RACK FEES -
£100.00 per boat indoors
£50.00 per boat outdoorsOTHER INFO
Staines is a friendly and welcoming club. We have a variety of membership categories to suit all, from the avid (every day, all week, come rain or shine) rower to the social only (the bar will suit me just fine) ex-rower. All squads have expanded in recent years and 05/06 saw good progress at HRR, HWR and at the Nat Champs.All the latest news can be found on the club website at - www.stainesboatclub.co.uk
Squad Meeting 13 Sep 7.30 at London Boathouse Putney Emabankment. Or come to Thursday circuits start 6.30 onwards.Contact: Tom Killick (Captain) tom_killick@hotmail.com
Chief Coach: Paul Reedy
Bob Downie
Simon Marsden
Richard Phillips
Tam RichmondSUBS
Entry Fee £40
Sqaud £420Rack rent £180 for single.
Locker rental £48.
Sub figures are per annum and include VAT where appropriate, but those joining after 1st August in the year pay pro rata until 31st Jan.
Website www.londonrc.org.ukFollowing on from last years Henley sucess in the Thames Cup, LRC will be aiming to win events at Henley Royal at Club and intermediate level and also win events at the Nat Champs.
LRC is an ARA's High Performance Centre, for Lightweight Men. LRC aims to support athletes aiming to make the national squad. There were 2 members of this years sqaud were competing in Dorney in the LM2x and LM4-. There were also 2 U23s in the LM4- and LRC provided the Commonwealth LM4-
LRC will also be taking on a small number of lwt Women Scullers. Please contact Bryony Britten (Bryony_Britten@hotmail.com)
The TSS women's squad welcomes new members for the 2006/2007 season.We are a small but thriving group that has enjoyed success at all levels of competition. In the past season squad members reached the final at Women's Henley and won two bronze and one silver in sculling events at Nat Champs; three athletes were selected for the Commonwealth Regatta and one to the GB eight at the World Championships.
The women's squad is looking to build on those results, and looks forward to hearing from competent scullers aiming to train and race in both singles and crew boats over the coming season.
For further information, including details of the mid-September start to training, please e-mail tsswomen@hotmail.co.uk
Details of all groups at TSS, including the High Performance Programme, are at www.tidewayscullers.com
Women's squad
Contact furnivall_sc@hotmail.com fao 'Womens Squad'MENS SQUAD:
contact James Parker – 07980854815, or james.parker@robertwalters.com for further details re outings.COACHES
Ray Sullivan, Steve Albrecht, Mark RuscoeSUBS
see www.furnivall.orgOTHER INFO
Website: www.furnivall.orgThe club is streamed into three main groups, viz; Men's racing squad, Women's racing squad and a Sculling group that contains mainly recreational scullers (contact: Hugh Bantin) and also a senior mens group (contact: Noel VonKaltenborn) who arrange ad hoc coaching and compete at local events.
The club caters for adults of all abilities and encourages membership from absolute beginners right through to elite athletes.
Womens Squad: The women's squad is looking to build upon a number of successes in recent years by further developing it's performance programme whilst continuing to encourage and develop rowers of all abilities from beginner upwards.
The performance group caters for both sweep and sculling and has also had success in both hwt and lwt divisions - culminating in providing the England women's hwt 4- and lwt 2- at the recent Commonwealth regatta. Our first eight are current National champions and the club is looking to build on this with some stringent targets for next season starting with the WeHORR. The group has an open selection policy and will welcome any enquiries from outside of FSC whilst also actively looking to develop current members to the required levels.
The senior Women's group at Furnivall provides the backbone to the squad and incorporates those athletes that are between the beginner and elite range. The squad is race focussed and mainly based around sweep rowing (those wishing not to be so competitive or to develop sculling outside of the performance level are encouraged to join the sculling group). Again the group had a number of notable successes last season gaining wins in all but one of the regattas it entered. Finally we hope to run another development programme this year in which we will form a beginners group to try and draw some new blood into the sport.
Men's Squad FSC Men’s sweep are a friendly, well organized squad – one of our aims for 2006/7 is to cater for those who are not able to commit to top level competitive rowing, but are keen to dedicate the training time required to have enjoyable racing at S4/S3 level: decent times for the Tideway Head Races, then on to sun & success in Local & Regional Summer Regattas.
We are also keen to develop our novice squad, which is relatively lean and mean at present, so would be interested in hearing from any rowers (who also want a life!) from Novice to S2.
The squad convenes in early Jan and disperses in Jul after Nat Champs, there is rowing during the rest of the year but this is under separate arrangements.Any member of the Army, TA or UOTC wishing to row for the Army should e-mail the secretary of Army Rowing at armyrowing@army.mod.uk.net anyone else wishing to join should contact their local Army careers office and we’ll see you for the 07/08 season!
Wars, operation deployments and exercises willing the squad train, on the water, every Sat and Sun morning, 08:30-12:30 hrs, Jan-Jul. Squad members receive a land training programme to following during the week at their units’ gym, all Army gyms come with lots of ergos and weights!
The club runs numerous rowing courses throughout the year from week long training camps for complete novices up to Instructor Award courses.Coaches: Pat Lockley and Nigel Weare are able to coach novices and top end rowers alike.
Once the entry criteria has been achieved membership does have some significant benefits likeno annual membership fee, all head/regatta entree fees covered, motor mileage allowance paid for heads/regattas, free use of any Army gym, a job that actively encourages you to be physically fit as well as giving you time off for rowing
and not forgetting the opportunity to travel to distant and exotic lands!OTHER INFO
Obviously our club does have some pretty significant entry criteria like being accepted into the Army and passing Army training, be that a year at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) for officers or 26 weeks of basic & trade training for soldiers.However members of the University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) and the Territorial Army (TA) are also eligible to row for the Army and these both have a less time consuming entry criteria!
The club has a very large, extensive and modern fleet of rowing/sculling boats for all standards and is located at St Andrews Boat House, Dorney Lake. This unique location allows rowers to choose from the River Thames between Boveney and Bray Locks (about 5km) or the Dorney Lake. Army rowing however can and does take place wherever the Army is based, at present including Northern Ireland, Germany, Gibraltar and East Anglia.
For more info contact the Club Captain, Charlie Foinette (c_foinette@hotmail.com).
New members (should we find any) might like to know that we won the Wyfold in 05, the Brit in 06, and for the first time ever finished in the top 20 at HORR (19th). In '07 we're after another Henley win at club level, something equally competitive in the Visitors' or Ladies', and more medals at Nat Champs.
For those competing at a lower level, we're very keen to start gathering novice pots and senior wins in the civilian regattas, and would like once more to enter our newer oarsmen to HRR (see this year's Thames Cup).
The more the merrier - for those with background in rowing, it is possible
(a) to carry on when you leave your club / university to join up, and
(b), to win despite only rowing at weekends. I wish someone had told me that when I was wasting good drinking time at university!RAF and Royal Navy: - The other 2 services also row: the RAF at Danesfield near Marlow and Royal Navy at Plymouth, Portsmouth and Dorney, contact details can be sort through the Army Sec. All 3 services come under the banner of the Combined Services (CS) and members of the individual clubs can and do come together and compete as the CS.
Saturday 2nd September at 10am in the bar for a presentation and 'Question & Answer Session' with the coaches. No need to bring kit.If you cannot make this meeting or it is after 2nd September please email your interest to Francis Bray at captain@learc.co.uk.
Senior Coordinator -John McCarthy.
Junior Coordinator - Mark Padfield.
Community Sports Coach - Duncan Irvine.Volunteer Coaches;
Richard Metcalf, Pim Van der Drift, Jim Peacock, Bridget Snaith, Fred Johnson, Andrew Johnson and Orhan Kephalos.
More coaches will be joining throughout the season as crews/squads develop.ALL coaches play a role in development of all athletes until crews are set for major events when coaches are assigned to crews/groups.
(Due 1st October);
Full Racing £300
Sculling £200
Racking £100
Full Junior £75
Student £75
Social £75
Unemployed £75
Voluntary Coach £50
Coxswain £50OTHER INFO
The Lea Rowing Club is open to all male & female rowers from beginners to elites, junior to veteran and social to hard core. The club would like to continue our successes at regional heads and regattas as well as stepping up our challenge for medals/pennants at HORR/WHORR, HRR/WHR and Nat Schools/Champs.The Rowing Committee fully supports its athletes/coaches through a structured equipment replenishment programme. The Committee has just invested £7000 on specialised gym equipment with further investments for boats expected throughout the season based on results.
If you would like further information please come to our squad meeting or visit our website (www.learc.co.uk).
Alternatively email Francis Bray at captain@learc.co.uk.
The pre-season Senior Squad meeting is on Thursday 31 August and official squad training begins on Saturday 2 September.New rowers, coxes or coaches are welcome throughout the season. All prospective members should contact enquiries@twickenhamrc.net (checked daily) or call John on 07941 6000 51.
Further information about Twickenham squad rowing can be found at www.twickenhamrc.net
Twickenham now operates a coaching pool system to ensure a high volume of coaching for all crews and a variety of complementary methods coaching the same rowing style.The Senior Squad team includes Gerry Elphicke, Rachel Woolf, Kate Oliver, Katie Clare and Amy Sharpe.
COX £60
Website:www.twickenhamrc.netTwickenham is one of the founding member clubs of the Remenham Club and is situated on Eel Pie Island along one of the most beautiful stretches of the Thames.
Both squads continue to grow in size and quality since the reorganisation of senior rowing in January 2006 and the club is firmly committed to racing crews at both Henley regattas in 2007.
The enviable ratio of coaches to athletes that Twickenham offers has allowed a more professional approach and in 06/07 Twickenham rowers will benefit from frequent personal goal setting, a high volume of coaching and small boats work, high quality weights coaching, nutritional advice, coached core stability work, screening for injury prevention and legendary parties.
New members often comment on how they are instantly made to feel welcome.
Training is designed to fit with demanding careers in central London.Travel - The club is 5 minutes from Twickenham Station, which is a 12 minute train journey from Clapham Junction and 20 minutes from Waterloo.
Men's Squad - Anyone interested in rowing or coaching at ARC is encouraged to come along at 10am on Sat 9th Sept or any sat after that. Students particularly welcome.If you can't make it on the 9th, please contact Denis O'Neill via www.agecroftrc.co.uk
Women's Squad - As above
Both Squads have already started training again. Men have priority on the ergs Mon/Wed and Tues/Thurs for wts. Women have priority on the opposite nights. Gym work starts 5.30 to 8pm Mon to Thurs.
Chief Coach: Denis O'Neill
plus Kev Maynard, Steve Hitchen, Mark Parsons, Cath Leach (PO) Jacky Czarnoski (PO)World Class Start: Hamish Burrell and Adi Dole Valuable assistance from Marysh Chmiel and Bill Mason last year.
Full Rowing £240.00
Student/UB40 Rowing £120.00
Junior Rowing £120.00
Gym only: 50% of aboveRACK FEES* -£117.50 per boat
Mens viii had a good year. Lost Henley semi, silver at Nat Champs. Numbers of seriously training people now at 16. Aiming for 2 good winter crews which will evolve into 2 successfull Henley crews. Womens Four did v well this summer with a win at WHRR, Silver at Nast Champs and represented England. Numbers increased already and training going well. Still need more keen girls to raise the bar further.Also trying to strengthen Sen 3/4 squad to follow on next year into Sen 1/2 squad.
Well equipped gym with 20 Type D ergs, a Rowperfect, free weights + olympic bars, staatic wt machines, dumbbells. Excellent fleet of boats for both Men and Women.
Train alongside World Class Start Athletes.
All the latest news can be found on the club website at - www.agecroftrc.co.uk
at Thames boat house Putney Embankment.Women:
23 Sep at 9amMen:
16th Sep at 9amContact:
Men’s Coaches
Head Coach: Paddy RyanClive Whitford, Sheena Cassidy, Will Pressley, Rob Munday
Women’s coaches
HPP/Senior: Phil Taylor
Lightweights: Steve Austin
Intermediates: Jen Ablitt, Antonia Schmiegelow, Alex DuncanNovices: Mike Dodd, Annie Christiansen
Entry Fee £100 (£50 for students)
Full membership £470
Student £230
House membership £70
Cox £70Rack rent £200 for single.
Locker rental £45
Sub figures are per annum and include VAT where appropriate, but those joining after 1st August in the year pay pro rata until 31st Jan.
Please note that fees can either be paid in full or via instalments
website: www.thamesrc.co.ukCome and talk to current Thames rowers about the busy competitive and social life to be found down at the club.
Our new £1.1m building features an ergo room, heavy weights room, circuits gymnasium and physio/treatment room. An indoor rowing tank is under construction. In addition we have a £700k fleet of boats consisting of eights, fours, pairs and singles
In the past two years Thames members have won medals at all levels. These include World Cup medals; Commonwealth gold; National Championships medals, including gold; the Wyfold Challenge Cup (men’s club coxless fours, 2006) and the Remenham Challenge Cup (women’s eights, 2005) at Henley Royal Regatta; elite lightweight quads, elite singles, and intermediate eights at Henley Women’s Regatta. That’s on top of a variety of finalist places in the same regattas, Head race pennants, and pots and medals at summer regattas around the Thames region.
After racing the club bar is often open for celebrations and the parties we throw following the Men’s and Women’s Head of the River races are legendary.
Thames welcomes rowers of all abilities - from the very beginner up to Olympic level. With the new season beginning in a month now is the perfect time to find out what the club is like and what it can offer you.
The start of the season is the 16th Sept for the men and 23rd Sept for the Women; please turn up at 9am with kit!
The first session of the new season will be on Saturday 2 September at 7.30am.This is very short notice, so anyone who can’t make this session is invited to contact Brian Armstrong on 07708 581 948 or email email brian@strongarm21836.freeserve.co.uk
Chief coach: Mark BanksOur team of professional coaches includes Rob Morgan, Chris Collerton, Ben Lewis and Ian South.
In addition we have the services of volunteer coaches including former GB international team manager Brian Armstrong, and Geoff Baker
Subscriptions for Leander athletes are among the lowest for any rowing club in the country!Members of the squad pay their age (in pounds) plus £4 ARA levy.
Website: www.leander.co.ukNew recruits to the Leander squad should be aiming at, or have achieved, the standard of GB international team members, or be looking to win an event at Henley Royal Regatta.
The club is open to male and female athletes in open and lightweight categories - the only real qualification is the will to succeed.
Leander is an ARA High Performance Centre for heavyweight men.
At the recent World Championships in Eton there were 18 Leander athletes present out of a total GB squad of 60 athletes. All bar two reached the A finals, of whom six won medals, including gold for the three Leander members in the GB M4-.
As well as the team of professional and volunteer coaches (two of whom also coach in the GB national squad) Leander can offer its athletes:
- State-of-the-art gymnasium and fleet of the latest design Empacher boats
- Dedicated chef to look after the squad, with food at heavily subsidised prices
- Free physiotherapy treatment on site by full-qualified professional with experience of working with Olympic athletes
- Access to masseur
- Free short-term accommodation in Club during trial period
- Opportunities for part-time work in the club bar/restaurant may also be available
Thursday 21st SeptemberWinter training starts - Sunday 1st October with the Rowers Revenge Triathlon In the first place please contact the vice captain Stuart Gibbons - vice [at] cygnet-rc.org.uk
Facilities available to members 24/7 with squad training as follows: Land training - weekday evenings from 7pm including circuits, weights and ergs Weekend Outings from - 9am Saturdays, 9.30am Sundays
Kathryn Pengelly
Greg Edelston (circuits)
Nick Rowett
Mike Collier
Alan Cox
plus guests.SUBS
Current Subs:
Servants (CSSC members) £150
Non Civil Servant £213plus beer money and sundry expenses.
Current Rack Rents:
£130 indoors (like Gold dust)
£100 outdoorsOTHER INFO
Website: www.cygnet-rc.org.uk Cygnet is a small, friendly, inclusive club with a work hard/play hard philosophy. We cater for the full range of rowing experiences from raw novices and casual scullers to competitive racing crews (a pair in the Goblets for the last three years). We encourage both sculling and sweeping and with a burgeoning membership are looking forward to a good 2006/07 season.We're ideally located right in the middle of the Tideway for outings to both Putney and Richmond. We have a good quality (mostly Janousek) fleet, dedicated gym and erg facilities, cosy bar and private garden. Excellent transport links, being close to Barnes Bridge on the mainline, the A4, north/south circular roads and buses to Richmond and Hammersmith
A typical rowing year includes full Head and regatta racing programmes, bi-annual sculling camps, annual trip to Germany for the Rhinemarathon, club regatta and various fun-runs, bike rides, triathlons etc.
An excellent social calendar, in conjunction with our sister club BBLRC, includes numerous BBQs and parties, Black Tie events, official dinners, club day at Henley and the now infamous Waddle.
We're also urgently looking for coxes and will provide full training for steering on the Tideway.
Our pre-season meetings for new and returning rowers and coxes will be held on Tuesday 12th September at 7.30pm at Linden House (see website for directions).There will be separate meetings for the Women and Men's squads and an opportunity to meet the coaches, captains and existing members, to discuss plans and objectives for the 06/07 season and to have a tour of our facilities.
Please contact the respective captain for further information/to confirm attendance (see other info)
The coaching team includes Tom Evens, Erol Kephalas, Les Scrine, Bill Helps, Stephen Purdie, Paul Fitzwilliam and Rebecca Shaw.SUBS
The subs year starts in February and rates for 06 were
£250 for full members,
£180 for beginners and
£80 for coxes.No subs are payable for a month after joining to give you a chance to try out the club. A reduced rate will be offered for those joining in September/October for the remainder of the year.
Website: www.sonsrowing.org.ukSons is a friendly club and welcomes everyone from complete beginner to elite level rowers and scullers. Our current members have a range of experience from those who learnt to row at Sons to competitive university rowers. Sons successfully combines a sociable atmosphere with a training program friendly to a demanding career but highly focussed on maximising results and competing at high levels without having to spend every moment at the club.
For further information/to confirm attendance at the pre-season meeting please contact:
Women's Captain - Lyndsay Campbell (lyndsay.campbell@kpmg.co.uk 07866514558)
Men's Captain - Andrew Maunder (a.c.maunder@herts.ac.uk 07963803857)MORTLAKE, ANGLIAN AND ALPHA SQUAD MEETING
Senior Men - Wednesday 13th September at 7.30pmSenior Women - Tuesday 12th September at 7pm
Intermediate women – Monday 25th September at 7.30pm
Any prospective new members should contact the relevant squad coach direct or captain Luke Howells (captain@maabc.com) and give details of which group you'd like to join.
Alternatively call the club on 020 8994 1628 (Saturday morning around 9am is a good time)
Senior women - Piers Robinson (piers@maabc.com)Senior men - Merv Lee (merv@maabc.com)
Supporting: Ian Roots, Mark Brand, Chris Drake, Stephen Baxter
MAA are currently looking for more coxes and coaches to support the growing club (especially the men’s squad which had just one permanent cox last summer). Both can expect personal development - all coxes are coached, and coaches will have the opportunity to work alongside the main squad coaches.
Full Annual - £290
Reduced - £140 (student rate)new members joining now would pay until December 31st - approximately £70
Note MAA is an adult club, only taking juniors in special circumstances.
Rack rent -
£130 (inside)
£100 (outside)OTHER INFO
Website: www.maabc.com After a successful 2005/06 season which saw 2 men’s eights qualify for HRR (from an initial squad of 10 last September) and international colours for 10 girls out of the senior squad we are looking produce solid results at the major Tideway heads and good results at GB trials then onto the Henley regattas, National Championships.MAA is an open and friendly club, with opportunities for coached rowing at all levels including beginners, aspiring international, veterans, intermediate and club level athletes. We have an excellent fleet of boats and a newly refurbished gym extension. We are located on Chiswick reach, just upstream of Chiswick Bridge and enjoy a fairly peaceful section of the tideway - Ibis Lane, Hartington Road, W4 3UJ.
Senior women– evening land training and morning water sessions through the winter, 7am at weekends.
Senior Men – mixture of morning and evening sessions with water sessions mainly in the evenings, weekends from 7.30am
Intermediate women – mainly from 9am at weekends with a development group at 7am. Weeknight land training sessions.
Annual training camp will be around Easter shortly after the HoRR to prepare the top squads for the summer racing season.
Men’s Squad
14th September, 7.30 in the Vesta BarWomen’s Squad
Monday 4th September, 7.30 in the Vesta BarAll beginners / Novices
Meeting – Wedenesday 6th September, 7.30 in the Vesta BarIf you miss any of these dates please see our website for further details or E-mail the Captain (harlowjim@hotmail.com).
Men: Pete Williams, Paul Wilcocks, Jayne Bowers, Matt GilliverWomen: Andrew Trimble, Paul Lorenzato, Ben Whitworth and Judith Howell.
Coxes (Honorary): £50
Students: £100Racking: £125
Lockers: Free
Joining Fee: Gratis
Website: www.vrc.org.ukVesta will run 3 women’s squads this year – senior, intermediate and novice. Each will have its own separate goals and coaches so whatever level you are at you will be made to feel very welcome at Vesta.
The main aim of the senior women's squads is to build on our recent successes at Henley and the Nat Champs. The training programme consists of predominantly land based training in the week and 2 water training sessions on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The club recognises the commitment this requires from our athletes and so we do our utmost to back you up, making sure you get the coaching and equipment you deserve.
The men's squad are looking to step up one more gear in their performance and improve on last season’s highlights: 28th in the Head, Friday row in The Thames Cup – losing to LRC ‘A’ (The event winners.).
The nominal intermediate and senior squads are being amalgamated into one large men’s squad, with everyone expected to follow the same programme. We expect to have at least 3 competitive crews in the HoRR and would hope to have a minimum of 16 rowers competing at HRR (12 in 2006, 25 in 2005). To facilitate these aims we will have a European training camp at Easter and a finishing camp in the UK for our competitive HRR crews.
So if you are looking for a well coached, hard training and ambitious squad and a club with the friendliest atmosphere on the Putney Hard please feel free to come to the pre-season meeting on the 14th September.
There is a kick off meeting for all athletes on Saturday 9th September at the EERC boat house. The new squad structure will be introduced and training and racing objectives and plans discussed. This is a full induction for all athletes including new joiners.Any adult athletes who can already row and/or scull and are interested in joining our squads are welcome to attend this meeting.
The men start training on Sunday 10th September and the women's squad a week later on Sunday 17th September.
Start up for our existing Junior Squad is also on Saturday 9th September. New enquirers should contact the junior team via our website rather than just turn on this day.
Further details about how to apply to join the Junior squad can be found on at www.etonexcelsiorrowingclub.org
We have a committed and experienced team of coaches who are constantly striving to further improve their practice and learn from each other - an atmosphere that really benefits our athletes. All of our coaches hold at least the IA (Level 2) qualification in coaching.The Men's Senior Coach, John Spencer and Women's Senior Coach, Jenny Rachel are Silver (Level 4) and Bronze (Level 3) qualified respectively. They are supported by Jane Kerr and Mark Bradford.
Our Foundation and Transition squads which will prepare new athletes for racing will be coached by John Sismey, Sarah Cassie and Ray Hague.
Junior Coaching is managed by Tim Cook (Level 3) and Lucy Lewington who is an ARA Community Sports Coach. There is a team of assistant coaches headed by Al Horn and Mark Quarrington.
Details of subs can be found on our website.Currently it's £260 a year for adult membership,
£125 for juniors - likely to rise a little next year.
There are reduced rates for students and coxes.Racking
outdoor option is about £100
indoor about £130.OTHER INFO
Website: www.etonexcelsiorrowingclub.orgEERC is housed in a modern Lottery funded boathouse near Windsor. Open to all (men, women and juniors), the Club caters for complete beginners to those striving to compete at National Championships and beyond. As such, it is a friendly and welcoming place with a commitment to inclusion but also provides a suitably competitive environment for our most able athletes.
We are particularly interested in hearing from athletes who can aleady row and/or scull to competitive level and would like to discuss joining our racing squads. We are always interested to hear from those with Coxing and Coaching talent that they might like to share with us.
The Women's Senior Squad has been very strong for a few years and had two quads at Women's Henley this year. This group concentrate mainly on sculling and will again be aiming to race to National level and at Henley. We now have a women's Racing Squad who are focused on sweep oar at Nov to S3 level and also learning to scull. The resurgent Men's Squad now has a very strong base of athletes racing sweep at S4 to S2 level and competing in sculling at Nov to S3 level. The intention this year is to develop a Senior squad for the men which will be aiming to qualify for HRR.
We do run a Learn to Row course for those new to the sport and you can find out more about this on our web site. There is huge demand for learning to row and we are currently operating a waiting list. Our annual Pubs and Clubs event is over subscribed and provides a regular stream of promising new entrants into the squads at Novice level.
Our very successful Junior squad also caters for beginners through to athletes competing at National level. There are specific start dates for beginners joining this squad and a waiting list to do so. Applicants who can already row or scull to competitive level can apply to join the squad immediately. More details about this and the squad's considerable success is available on our website
Men's Squad – The men’s squad will start training on Saturday 2nd September at 7:45am. The men’s squad meeting will be on Thursday 7th September at 7pm at the clubhouse.Women's Squad – The women’s will start with a squad meeting at 9:00am on Saturday 9th September in the clubhouse and then go out rowing after the meeting.
Novice Squad – We have a new novice group that has just started. They are rowing at 7pm on Thursdays and 11 on Sundays at the moment, so if you would like to give it a go, now is a good time to start.
Junior Squad – We have a great group of juniors who range from beginners to GB trialists. Beginners sessions are at 2pm on a Saturday, Intermediate and advanced at 5pm Mon-Thurs and 7:45am on Saturdays, 8:30am on Sundays.
Veteran Squad – We have a large and competitive veteran squad – both men’s and women’s, as well as some more recreational veterans.
Anyone interested in rowing or coaching at UTRC should contact Juliet Machan: rowing@perfectlypicked.com
The team includes John Pilgrim-Morris, Clare Forgie, Guin Batten, Libby Henshilwood, Karl Reid, Dom Foley, Livinia Cowell-Sherrif, Steve Poulter, and a lot moreSUBS
Full Rowing £350.00 (discounted if paid early)
Student pay for weeks you can row
Associate £60
Junior £150.00
Coxes - freeRACK FEES -
£200.00 per seat. Indoor racks onlyOTHER INFO
Website: www.utrc.org.ukUpper Thames has a great mix of members, good facilities and the perfect location. It has a large number of international and national athletes who help and inspire others within the club.
Each group has individual goals from winning its first pot through to Henley Royal Regatta wins, as well as World and Veteran Champions – we also have some aspiring Olympians.
We hope we have the structure in place to facilitate the achievement of both group and individual goals and want all our athletes to succeed and of course have fun!
All the latest news can be found on the club website
Season starts with club talk at the boat house on Saturday 23rd September at 9am for all squads.Contacts:
Men's squad- Dom Silk (email: dominic.silk@orange.net)
Women's squad- Sally Ferguson (email: sally.ferguson@mariecurie.org.uk)
Novice’s and Vet’s squads- Stephen Aitken (email: stephen.aitken@theStrateg-e.com)COACHES
Women's coaches are Martin Gough, Martin Gill and 1 TBA.Men's coaches are Steve Trapmore and 2 TBA.
Active - £360
Ordinary - £100
Junior - £120
Student - £180
Social - £35OTHER INFO
Website: www.akrowing.comAuriol Kensington is an open, friendly rowing club based in Hammersmith, West London, which aims to provide competitive rowing and sculling for all comers, young or old. Rowing is divided into two large senior squads for oarsmen and women, a novice group for beginners and a veterans section. All groups compete at all levels throughout the year. Most water sessions are held at weekends with varied land-training during the week.
Ladies, if you want to go fast but still have to work 9-5 and have that "life outside rowing" at least now and again, AK's women's squad could be for you.
Regular finalists in small boats at National Championships in the last five years, we're looking to increase strength in depth in 2006/07. But it isn't all about elite rowing: all novices who took part in the winter training programme won pots during the summer, celebrated hard and are back for more.
General meetings for all current and new members to find out information about the new season.Women's squad - Tues 12 September 7pm at CORC Gym.
Men's Squad - Thurs 21 September 7pm CORC Gym
Mick Brind - Women's squadPete Burden - Men's squad
£245 - adult squad rower
£180 - student
£175 - sculler only
£100 - gym membership only
£130 - Juniors (12-18)
£20 - Social memberOTHER INFO
Website: www.oxfordrowing.net/corc/club/corc_membership.htmlContact Rachael Luxton (Women's Captain):
Rachael.Luxton@Hays.comStefano (Men's Captain):
bada_bada_bada_bing@hotmail.com CORC is a friendly club which caters for rowers of all abilities. The Club runs excellent courses for beginners and there is a large women's and men's squad for the more experienced rowers.Over the last few years the women's squad has won gold and silver medals at the Nat Champs and a 4+ won Women's Henley in 2002.
This year the women's intermediate eight reached the semi-finals at Henley and came 4th in the Nat Champs. The men's squad has grown considerably in recent years and has attracted rowers from Brookes and Leander.
This year the men's coxed four won gold at Ghent. The Club is looking forward to a promising 2006-2007 season and welcomes new members.
Anyone interested in rowing at TTRC this year come along to an initial meeting and training session at the boathouse on Saturday 16th September at 9am.Contact: Adam White (Captain) on adam.white@informa.com
Head coach: Fred Badowski.Assistance from Simon Kenyon, Alison Faires and Alan "Woody" Sherman.
At 2006 rates:£250 full membership (inclusive of early payment discount)
Half price for studentsRack rent: £100
Website: www.ttrc.org.uk/ TTRC run a competitive men's squad, aiming for success at national head races, regattas and at Henley. The training programme is individually tailored, and consideration is taken of commitments outside of rowing. We are interested in hearing from anyone interested in rowing, coaching or coxing at the club in the coming season.We have a small women's group, and are looking for new recruits. If interested, please contact the captain.
Saturday 30th September at 8am at the London Regatta Centre.Please email your interest to Julian Johns at captain@curlewrowingclub.co.uk
Or the mens or women's captain directly
Paul Renshaw paul.renshaw@lloydstsb.co.uk
Amy Greenless amygreenlees@hotmail.comCOACHES
Rowing Manager - Ray Cassidy.Development squad coach - Dave Keogh
Junior Coach- Ann Roberts.
Volunteer Coaches; David Hiller, Julian Johns, Joel Kijowski, Lois Birrell, Gavin Donaldson, Ed Birrell
Full Racing £300
Student £120
Social £75
Unemployed £120OTHER INFO
Website: www.curlewrowingclub.co.ukCurlew Rowing Club is open to all male & female rowers from beginners to senior rowers, junior to veteran.
Curlew Rowing Club is the premier rowing club in SE London. Curlew believes not only in recuiting the best graduates and returners to the sport, but has proven coaching results with homegrown rowers in our mens 1st eight and HRR boats in 2006.
Building on the top 100 finish in the HORR last year and our 7th straight year at HRR our mens squad with a recently updated fleet of boats is aiming to build on this success.
The women's squad is eager to hear from competitive women who want to race again at WeHRR and compete at all the top national regattas.
Further information can be found at our website
Alternatively email captain@curlewrowinglcub.co.ukKINGSTON RC SQUAD MEETING
The pre-season Senior / Intermediate squad meeting is on Thursday 14th September at the boathouse for 8pm.For details contact the Captain Andy Hall on captain@kingstonrc.co.uk
A pool of coaches, including Tim Crooks, Michelle West, Birgith Sims, Richard Nelson, Andrew Martin, Matt Evans and John ShepherdSUBS
Full Rowing £300
Casual £150
Junior £150Rack Fees
Inside £130
Outside £70OTHER INFO
Website: www.kingstonrc.co.ukKingston is one of the founding Remenham Clubs, and has an excellent non tidal stretch of water for both sculling and sweep oar.
If you would like further information then please come to our meeting or find out more about the club at www.kingstonrc.co.uk
Beginners can email John Shepherd at krcbeginners@hotmail.co.uk for details of how to start
The season is just starting so please contact the Club Captain Sally Pollok-Morris – sallypm@gmail.com or:Yvette Waterfall (Women’s Squad) Yvette@hotmail.co.uk
Luke Grove (Men’s Squad) lukerg@yahoo.com
David Brown (Junior Squad) DAGNBROWN168@aol.com
Richard Hulme (Veteran’s Squad) Richard.Hulme@cb-group.co.uk
Women’s -
Jim Flood, Charlie Simpson, Will Curtis-Brown, Murray EldridgeMen’s -
Peter Politzer, Tony PiggotJunior –
Dave Brown, Tom Cronin, Rob BurnageSUBS
Depends on month you join & age groupOTHER INFO
The best club on the Upper Thames!Reading Rowing Club is a great club for members who aspire to be competitive at national, international and club level. We have had a fantastic year, winning at medals at International & National events – this year will be even better! We are also a centre for the World Class Start programme. Rowing at RRC is a lifestyle choice - we have the dedication, the training and a team playing attitude - all crucial to squad success. At RRC, we believe that team spirit is just as important off the water as it is on - to help this along we have a great bar and fantastic socials!
Senior Men and Senior Women training starts Saturday 15th SeptemberJunior Men and Junior Women training has commenced already.
Please contact relevant sections below for times and further details
Senior Men – Dave Vernon dave@dv-media.com
Senior Women – Andy Knill andy@knill100.freeserve.co.uk
Junior Men – Russell Peacock russell.peacock@maindec.co.uk
Junior Women – Brett King bretking5@hotmail.comCOACHES
Womens –
Russ Haley and Andy KnillDev women –
Lisa KnillMens –
John Stephenson, Paul Franklin, Paul Thomas, Piers Robinson and Maurice HayesDev Men –
Sally Reay and Sean FarrelyJunior Boys –
Russell Peacock and Joff Spencer-JonesJunior Girls – Brett King
Senior £270
Junior £160Racking £80-£140
Website:Marlow Rowing Club are recruiting for the Senior Men’s and Women’s squads for the 2006/07 season in order to build on the strong foundations set at major events in 2006
Gold M4- Nat Champs
Finalists Wyfold Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta
Two wins at Henley Womens Regatta
Successes at all major domestic multi-lane regattasMarlow is a well established, friendly club with an extensive range of facilities under an experienced coaching team.
Access is easy and quicker than you think even from West London !
Club Captain Tom McGibbon - mobile 07886 777561, email tom@tulkas.co.uk