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CLUB HOPPING 2007 (Updated 2nd December 2007) |
Men's Squad - Anyone interested in rowing or coaching at ARC is encouraged to come along at 10am on Sat 8th Sept or any Sat after that. Particularly keen to attract experienced rowers (male and female) new to Manchester area - there is rowing north of Watford!If you can't make it on the 9th, please contact Denis O'Neill via www.agecroftrc.co.uk
Women's Squad - As above
Both Squads have already started training again. Men have priority on the ergs Mon/Wed and Tues/Thurs for wts. Women have priority on the opposite nights. Gym work starts 5.30 to 8pm Mon to Thurs.
Chief Coach: Denis O'Neill, with assistance from Marysh Chmiel and Martin McElroy plus Kev Maynard, Steve Hitchen, Mark Parsons, Cath Leach (PO) Jacky Czarnoski (PO)World Class Start: Hamish Burrell and Adi Dole
Valuable assistance from Bill Mason last year.
Full Rowing £240.00
Student/UB40 Rowing £120.00
Junior Rowing £120.00RACK FEES* -£117.50 per boat
Website: www.agecroftrc.co.ukMens viii had a good year. Lost Henley final, gold in 1x and silver in viii at Nat Champs.
Numbers of seriously training people now at 20. Aiming for 2 good winter crews which will evolve into 2 competitive Henley crews. A good opportunity for keen newcomers to row and train with like minded athletes.
Womens Squad did v well last winter with many Head wins plus 9th and 43rd at WHoRR. Numbers increased already and training going well. Still need more keen girls to raise the bar further.
Also trying to strengthen Sen 3/4 squad to follow on next year into Sen 1/2 squad.
Well equipped gym with 20 Type D ergs, a Rowperfect, free weights + olympic bars, static wt machines, dumbbells. Excellent fleet of boats for both Men and Women.
Train alongside World Class Start Athletes. Quality coaching to all squads.
Strong social side - Santa Pub Crawl at Xmas - 250 Santas staggering around Manchester
The squad convenes in early Jan and disperses in Jul after Nat Champs, there is rowing during the rest of the year but this is under separate arrangements.Any member of the Army, TA or UOTC wishing to row for the Army should e-mail the secretary of Army Rowing at armyrowing@army.mod.uk.net anyone else wishing to join should contact their local Army careers office and we’ll see you for the 07/08 season!
Wars, operation deployments and exercises willing the squad train, on the water, every Sat and Sun morning, 08:30-12:30 hrs, Jan-Jul. Squad members receive a land training programme to following during the week at their units’ gym, all Army gyms come with lots of ergos and weights!
The club runs numerous rowing courses throughout the year from week long training camps for complete novices up to Instructor Award courses.Coaches: Pat Lockley and Nigel Weare are able to coach novices and top end rowers alike.
Once the entry criteria has been achieved membership does have some significant benefits likeno annual membership fee, all head/regatta entree fees covered, motor mileage allowance paid for heads/regattas, free use of any Army gym, a job that actively encourages you to be physically fit as well as giving you time off for rowing
and not forgetting the opportunity to travel to distant and exotic lands!OTHER INFO
Obviously our club does have some pretty significant entry criteria like being accepted into the Army and passing Army training, be that a year at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) for officers or 26 weeks of basic & trade training for soldiers.However members of the University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) and the Territorial Army (TA) are also eligible to row for the Army and these both have a less time consuming entry criteria!
The club has a very large, extensive and modern fleet of rowing/sculling boats for all standards and is located at St Andrews Boat House, Dorney Lake. This unique location allows rowers to choose from the River Thames between Boveney and Bray Locks (about 5km) or the Dorney Lake. Army rowing however can and does take place wherever the Army is based, at present including Northern Ireland, Germany, Gibraltar and East Anglia.
For more info contact the Club Captain, Charlie Foinette (ocadjt@rmas.mod.uk).
The more the merrier - for those with background in rowing, it is possible
(a) to carry on when you leave your club / university to join up, and
(b), to win despite only rowing at weekends. I wish someone had told me that when I was wasting good drinking time at university!RAF and Royal Navy: - The other 2 services also row: the RAF at Danesfield near Marlow and Royal Navy at Plymouth, Portsmouth and Dorney, contact details can be sort through the Army Sec. All 3 services come under the banner of the Combined Services (CS) and members of the individual clubs can and do come together and compete as the CS.
Senior squads meeting at 8am on Saturday 22nd Sept, with an outing afterwards. Sunday outing at 9am.Training commences the following week.
Hugh Mackworth-Praed
Martin GoughSUBS
Full - £380
Student - £190
(New members receive 16-month membership for that fee; up for review 22/9/07)OTHER INFO
Website: www.akrowing.com/
FlickR: www.flickr.com/groups/akrowing/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2260669350Auriol Kensington is an open, friendly rowing club based in Hammersmith, West London.
Its aim has always been to help rowers who have a career be as successful as possible given their time commitments.
In 2006/07, women who came through the AK squad won medals at National Championships and appeared at the World Championships.
The men consistently place well at the Head of the River and appear at Henley Royal Regatta.
This season, the top male and female rowers will train together in a small squad, with the help of former GB international Hugh Mackworth-Praed.
Men's and women's squads outside that group will still receive top coaching while aiming for Henley appearances and a successful regatta season.
Anyone interested in rowing, sculling, coxing or coaching should either contact one of the Captains (details on the club's website) or just pop along on a weekend morning and have a chat.We go out every weekend and a couple of times during the week.
Our head coach is Jo Byrne, an ex Kiwi international rower and sculler.We have other qualified coaches who help out when required.
Full Rowing £300.00RACK FEES
We have limited availability for racking singles, price depends upon location.OTHER INFO
Website: www.bblrc.co.ukWe are located near Barnes Bridge, opposite Barnes, W4.
Barnes Bridge Ladies is obviously, a Ladies rowing club. Men can join as cox’s or coaches and can use the clubs boat (weight permitting !), but can not compete.
We are one of the smaller clubs on the tideway, but due to excellent management, have a fantastic fleet of boats at our disposal, ranging from Sims Eights, a Filippi coxless 4 (brand new) a Filippi 2x/- and an Empacher single. We also have lots of Janousek boats in various sizes. All our boats are built for ladies, so no more size 13 shoes and having to drop the rigging before each outing…
This season, we have won 3 Head races and 16 Regatta events. Our total “pot count” to date is 108 including coxes.
We entered Womens Henley in the Intermediate 8’s event and got through to the quarter finals, being beaten by less than a length by the crew that eventually came up against Thames in the final.
At the club itself, we have a fully fitted out land training facility with 8 ergs and a range of weights and machines. In the club house, as you would expect, we have all the usual stuff to make life comfortable, such as a bar, a kitchen, large changing room, and a co-located mens rowing club called Cygnet. Our members are encouraged not to speak to the boys unless it is to ask them to help move heavy objects, man the BBQ or mow the lawn (we have a lovely garden alongside the boathouse.
Our members range from age 22 to 62, height from 5’1 to 6’2. I wont mention the weight range. We have ex internationals through to complete beginners on our books. Our most successful rower this season (5 Regatta & 2 Head wins) is a lady who joined last season who had never sat in a boat before.
All sounds like an ideal place to row and socialise ? – it is, so pop along and say hi.
The senior squads meet in September.If you’re interested in joining the club please email captain@broxbournerowing.org or visit our website for squad specific contact details.
Head Coach: Matt Stallard, supported by individual squad coaches.SUBS
Full Rowing Membership £268.Discounted for under 24’s and Juniors.
Racking Fees:
£120 per year for 1XOTHER INFO
Website: www.broxbournerowing.orgLocated on the Herts/Essex border just outside the M25, Broxbourne Rowing club is a friendly club with a modern fleet of boats. We have recently built a new boathouse to house our ever-expanding fleet and are in the process of renovating the clubhouse. The club participates in all of the big regattas and head races each year, along with local events. We cater for serious athletes as well as the more recreationally minded rower.
The men's squad had been going from strength to strength over the past four years and we are looking to continue building on this. Notable achievements include qualifying a Brit and Wyfold IV at Henley this year, and qualifying an VIII for the previous three years. We had a top 100 placing in the 2006 VIIIs head and have enjoyed a lot of success at regattas and head races over the past four years.
The women’s squad has expanded over the last couple of years and our silverware has increased dramatically. We have participated and performed well in many head and regatta races this year; highlights include an entry of three women’s eights at WHORR with crew A coming 66th, and reaching the second round of the Lester Trophy event at Women’s Henley.
Senior Squad training is on Monday and Thursday evenings, Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Alongside our senior squads we have an expanding junior section and a consistently successful veteran section.
Men's squad - contact the Men's Captain Dom Walsh dominic.a.walsh(at)gmail.com for info on the men's squad plans. There will be a meeting in the week of 1st-5th October with training starting on Sunday 7th October.Women's squad - contact the Women's Captain Emily Lyons corcwomen(at)gmail.com The Women's squad pre-season meeting is on Thursday 20th September at the Clubhouse and is open to all female athletes interested in rowing at the Club from Novices to Elite. The Women's squad start their training on the 29th September.
For information on all other aspects of the Club please contact the Club Captain Chris Thomson corc.captain(at)btinternet.com
Men's squad senior coaches for 2007/08 will be Pete Burden and Andy Drohan, with assistance from the Novices group coach Howard Aiken.Women's senior coaching is led by James Cann, with assistance from Rachael Luxton and Liz Southey.
The second tier Women's squad is coached by Steve Hodbod and Martin Leach, with the Women's Novice group coached by Ian Deabill.
Current membership rates for the year to Dec 31st 2007 are:
Full £255
Student £190
Cox £20
(Pro-rata for the remainder of the year)OTHER INFO
Website: www.oxfordrowing.net/corc/club/index.htmlThe start of the season for the Women is Saturday 29th September and for the Men Sunday 7th October.
Come along and meet existing members this Saturday 22nd September and watch our autumn sculling head take place, the Isis Sculls, from 9.45am.
The club also runs a Town Bumps in coxed fours every April and a successful 2 day regatta every August.
All squads meeting is in the West Boathouse in Glasgow Green on September 19th at 7pm. If you can’t make it please contact Club captain Niall Darroch (NiallDarroch@hotmail.com)We are looking for all types of members, particularly experienced rowers to increase competition in the senior squads.
Graduates get a discounted first year membership as well!
Search YouTube for ‘Clyde Rowing’ to see our squads in action.
Senior Squads
Chief Coach: Lorna Logan with assistance from John Maxwell, Matt Loader and Jonathan Fettis.Novice/Intermediate Squads
Chief Coach: Niall Darroch with assistance from John Gildea and Alasdair MacEwan.SUBS
(inc SARA Licence)Full Rowing £180 year
Just Graduated £100
Student/UB40 £120.00
£100 per scullOTHER INFO
Website: www.clyde-rowing.4t.com/Clyde is the top club in the Central Belt of Scotland, with the largest and most successful senior squads of the private clubs. Our seniors regularly compete in the major races in Scotland and England. Last season we had wins at Henley Women’s Regatta, Marlow, The Scottish Championships and a number of others on the Scottish domestic calendar. Our squad members are regularly selected for the HIR Team and we regularly send crews to race abroad, last year crews were sent to Portugal, Tunisia and Italy to race.
We also have a good recreational scene and a developing beginners section. Our novice section continues to grow and a number of members have made the transition to the senior squads last year.
The club has heavily invested in equipment in the last few years and has a fully equipped gym with 10 Concept Ergo's. Socially the club has a number of functions including the now famous summer BBQ and Burns Supper as well as our own private boat race once a year.
Squad meetings on Saturday 28th Sep 9am at the Trafalgar Rowing Centre (Greenwich).New and existing members shoudl bring along some gym kit...
Training commences the following Monday 1st October at circuits from 8.00pm onwards.
Contact: Julian Johns (Captain)
0870 285 1591COACHES
Chief Coach: Ray Cassidy
Also: Dave Keogh,
Joel Kijowski,
Matt Ayers,
Rick Geer,
Julian JohnsSUBS
Full £360Student £180
Website: www.curlewrowingclub.co.uk
Facebook:www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=244524692Curlew is a friendly but competitive club based in Greenwich, it currently does the majority of its rowing at the London Regatta Centre (which is great for docklands based members). The club considers itself the most competitive club in the SE of London being even present at Henley Royal Regatta for the last 8 years – and having helped members to achieve their potential. With a top 100 finish in the HORR in 2006 the club aims to build on this with a top 50 boat for 2008.
For 2007/08 the club hopes to have a new ARA sponsored local coach in place which will offer great support to our existing coaching team.
The club has a committed core of women who are strongly focused of Women’s Henley for 2008.
The club attracts a large number of graduates who are heading to Canary Wharf after university mixed with experienced rowers that live in and around Greenwich, Blackheath and the Docklands.
The club has the option of rowing from either Greenwich on the tidal Thames or at the London Regatta Centre.
The club also has its own riverside clubhouse in Greenwich along with a gym which has the addition of 8 brand new Ergos and further investment imminent.
Men’s Squad Meeting - Tuesday 18th September 7.30 PM at the Civil Servants’ Boathouse (in the Bar)!Following a successful season we are looking for beginners, novices and intermediate rowers to fill the gaps and strengthen our squads for 2008; anyone who may be interested should contact Richard at captain@cygnet-rc.ork.uk
Resident Coaches -
Peter Humphries
Kathryn Pengelly.Weights & Circuit training –
Peter Humphries
Greg EdelstonSculling pods –
Neil PickfordVets Rowing –
Iain GolderBeginners – Alan Cox
Both our coaches are also keen rowers and we would be interested in talking to anyone who is available for both adhoc and regular coaching, enquiries / offers to Richard at captain@cygnet-rc.org.uk please.
Civil Servants - £160.00Non Civil servants - £228.00
Coxswains & Coaches – Open to negotiation
Outside Racks - £125, if and when available!
Website: www.cygnet-rc.org.ukCygnet RC is affiliated to the Civil Servants Sports Council, however the doors are open to all. We have a small but particularly friendly & social club with currently approx. 30 active oarsmen ranging from our novices through seniors to vets.
First and foremost Cygnet is a men’s club, although we do have four ladies members who are three brilliant coxswains and the other our excellent coach.
We share our boathouse and well appointed facilities with the delightful Barnes Bridge Ladies for whom we provide intelligent conversation, garden maintenance, lifting of heavy boats and at times even cook them supper! The facilities include a well kitted rowing specific gym, changing and showering rooms, bar, kitchen and clubroom. Our fleet is extensive for the size of our club and includes 2 eights, 4 fours/quads, 4 pairs/doubles and 4 singles. The club is privileged to own a bungalow on an Island near Shepperton.
2007 wins were had at Lea Autumn, Oxford City, Peterborough Spring and Summer, Bedford Quarts, Marlow, Barnes ∓ Mortlake, Putney Town and Bourne at Chiswick Bridge Regattas. Our boys train hard to reap the benefits but haven’t forgotten that we also like a beer or two along the way!
We are located on the North side of the Thames between Dukes Meadows and Barnes Railway Bridge, why not drop in and say hi?
Training starts at 8am on Saturday and Sunday and training during the week varies depending on work, location and circumstance, but generally starts between 5pm and 7pm.Contact Dessie on: 07920141926 or by emailing him at cabinet-maker@btconnect.com
Chief Coach and Captain: Ian (Dessie) Desmond
with assistance from:
Nigel Read
Tim Levy
Ian Cruikshank
Duncan Swanson and
John Friend.SUBS
Full Rowing £288Students and Junior Rowing £180
Rack Spaces may be available subject to agreement of the Captain at a fee of
£192.00 internal and
£117.00 external per annum for sculling boats and
£252.00 for doubles/pairs.These rates include the cost of the Club providing Environment Agency Licenses.
A Full membership fee must also be paid.
Website: www.henleyrowingclub.orgRecent HRR Results: 2003: Winners - Fawley Cup, 2004: Semi Finalists - Thames Cup, 2005: Winners - Thames Cup, 2006: Finalists - Mens' Quads, 2007: Finalists - Britannia Cup and Winners - Fawley Cup.
Well equipped with a full fleet of top racing boats and a brand new Gym.
Henley train and race hard, but also leave plenty of time to enjoy themselves. Their approach means that you can progress your career whilst reaching the high goals set in Rowing, so if you are a talented athlete and want to learn to row or whether you're coming back to the sport, moving to Henley or fancy seeing a bit of countryside at weekends, Henley Rowing Club could be the place for you. Henley have a stronger squad than ever this year after coming close in the Brit last year and winning the Fawley cup.
On the social side, there is a club night on Thursday evenings as well as a club ball and dinner bi-annually.
The Club also runs a Temporary Membership scheme for those who have not rowed before and are considering taking up the sport. This costs ten pounds for four weeks and includes coaching sessions that are run on Saturday & Sunday mornings.
Email: hsbcrowing@hsbc.comCOACHES
Duncan Allison
Nick Watkins
Dan PullenSUBS
£125 per yearOTHER INFO
We are a small, friendly club located in Putney looking for experienced male and female rowers and coxes to build our squad for the head races and on into the summer next year.Over the winter season training for the Tideway and other heads is on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with own fitness work during the week. In recent years we have also raced at all the major regattas such as Wallingford, Met, Peterborough and Henley.
SENIOR SQUAD: A meeting will take place on 13th September at 8:00pm to start the season, and all prospective athletes and coaches should attend.Coached rowing sessions will begin on the weekend of 15th/16th September meeting at 7:20am.
NOVICE SQUAD: A meeting for the adult Novice squad will take place on 20th September at 7:00pm, and coached rowing sessions will begin on the weekend of 22nd/23rd September, time TBC at the meeting.
For further information about next season, or if you are unable to attend the meetings but would still like to join please contact Andy Hall (Captain) at captain@kingstonrc.co.uk
Head Coach: Ian SouthAlso:
Tim Crooks
Michelle West,
Richard Nelson,
Michael Clarke,
Neil Avis
Birgith SimsSUBS
Full rowing £370OTHER INFO
Website: www.kingstonrc.co.ukBased on the Thames between Kingston Bridge and Teddington Lock, KRC enjoys one of the longest and calmest stretches of rowing water in the UK.
The club has a growing women’s and men’s Senior Squad and our crews regularly feature at HWR, HRR and Nat Champs, as well as a large novice group that is rapidly developing.
The Senior Squad is looking to expand in 2007-8 with the employment of a professional coach, a European training camp over Easter and the ambition of a minimum of 3 competitive HRR crews and 2 competitive HWR crews for 2008, in our 150th anniversary year.
As a minimum standard you would need to be competent enough to row/scull a small boat to Hampton Court and back from the club, and be able to train unsupervised with free weights.
KRC also welcomes adult beginners for the novice squad, and introduced more than 80 people to the sport in 2006-7.
For more information please contact Andy Hall (Captain) at captain@kingstonrc.co.uk
Squad meeting Wednesday 5 Sep 7.30pm at London Boathouse Putney Emabankment. Training commences the following evening with Thursday circuits from 6.00pm onwards.Contact:David Finn (Captain)
Chief Coach: Paul Reedy
Also: Pedro Figueira
Bob Downey
Simon Marsden
Richard Phillips
Tam Richmond
Tessa MillerSUBS
Entry Fee £40
Squad £462Rack rent £180 for a single.
Locker rental £48.
Subscription figures are annual and include VAT where appropriate, but those joining after 1st August in the year pay a pro rata amount until 31st Jan.
Website: www.londonrc.org.ukLRC aims to win events at Henley Royal Regatta, the National Championships and Henley Women's Regatta.
LRC is an ARA High Performance Centre for Lightweight Men. LRC supports athletes aiming to make the national team. 7 members of the squad have been selected to compete at the Munich World Championships in LM4-, LM4x, LM2-, LW4x and HM4+. LRC also provided the England Home International Regatta LM2x.
The LRC Women's squad will be expanding in 2007/08. The squad will be set up for lightweight scullers and as suggested above, targets national team selection and Nat Champs / HWR wins.
Please contact David Finn or Bryony Britten (Bryony_Britten@hotmail.com).
Men's Squad
Training Starts/Squad meeting: Monday 17th September 18:30 – Ergo & Chat
Training: Weekdays from 18:30 - Weights / circuits Tuesday & Thursday, Ergos Monday & Wednesday - Weekends 07:30 and 11:00 Saturday and Sunday
Contact: Stuart Logan (Mens Captain) - Stuart.Logan@gmacrfc.co.ukWomen’s Squad
Squad meeting: Saturday 15th September 09:30 at MRC (there will be an outing beforehand at 07:15 for those that can make it)
Training: Weekdays from 18:00. Weights / circuits Monday & Wednesday, Ergos Tuesday & Thursday - Weekends 07:15 and 11:00 Saturday and Sunday
Contact: Russell@rhaley.orangehome.co.uk, 07770 568761 (senior squad), Lisa@knill100.freeserve.co.uk, 07881 552748 (novices)Junior Boys Squad
Squad meeting: Saturday 1st September 08:30
Contact: russ_peacock@hotmail.comJunior Girls Squad
Squad meeting: Saturday 1st September 08:00
Contact: bretking5@hotmail.com, 07900 935542Vets Squad
There will be no formal start date but if you are interested in joining our expanding competitive Vets squad please contact
Tetley@btinternet.com Young Vets (A-C)
full5team@oharahouse.wanadoo.co.uk Older Vets (D+)COACHES
Men’s Squad:
Senior squad:
Maurice Hayes,
John Stephenson,
Shaun Farrelly,
Sally ReayNovice squad: TBC
Women’s Squad:
Senior squad:
Russ Haley,
Andy Knill,
John TetleyNovice squad: Lisa Knill
Junior Boys:
Russell Peacock ,
Joff Spencer-Jones,
Roy Prosser,
Dave RendellJunior Girls:
Bret King,
Steph MottramSUBS
Full Rowing £280.00Junior /Student Rowing £175.00
Website: www.marlowrowingclub.org.ukMen
The aim of this season is to continue to build on the results of last season and to increase the size of the squad at all levels.Women
Senior Squad - continue to build on the last two season’s successes at major regattas - HWR (2 wins and 1 final), Gent (2 golds, silver and bronze), Nat Champs (bronze) wins at Metropolitan and Wallingford as well as qualifying for the Princess Grace at HRR. Novice squad - raced at local regattas with 4 wins this season.Under 23
It is planned to create a new Elite Under 23 squad made up of a group of existing male and female junior internationals, which is to be overseen and coached by Maurice Hayes.Juniorsr
Marlow RC Juniors has become one of the most successful junior clubs and in 2007 had 11 athletes gain International representation all of whom will be back this coming season. The aim for the coming season is to build on this success at both domestic and international regattas. If you are interested in joining the please contact Russell or Bret via e-mailVets
Following a successful season with a number of wins including 2 at Henley Vets the aim of the coming season is to increase the size of the Vets squad within both the A-C & D+ categories.Marlow is a large and friendly club with a well-equipped gym and an extensive fleet of boats. With an established team of friendly coaches the club has seen success both domestically and internationally and is always looking for new members at whatever level from complete beginner through to established internationals. There is also a good social side with events being held throughout the year.
1st September at 9:00am: rigging session and equipment maintenance sessionPlease come to the club at 9am on Saturday 1st September so that we can ensure that all equipment is in good working order, labelled and complete. There will also be a chance for you those of you with rigging skills to show them off.
Saturday 8th September 2007 at 7:30am training starts
A meeting will take place at the Club on 8th September 2007 at 7:30am to start the season. All prospective athletes and coaches should attend. The meeting will be followed by a coached rowing session at about 8:30am with further training on Sunday morning. The weekend of 15/16 September 2007 will include some form of water assessment followed by a 30 minute r20 ergo test during the following week
For further information about next season or to discuss athletes or coaches that are interested in getting involved at Molesey, please contact Olly Keech (Captain) 07951586497; Jonny Searle (Deputy Captain) on 07810 152 024; Ed Greene (Development Coach) on 07890025505 or email Tom Courtney (Director of Rowing) at Thomas_P_Courtney@yahoo.com.au
Tom Courtney our new Director of Rowing will be in position from 26th August 2007.Ed Greene, the New Development Coach is in position and is already working with the junior and the fresher’s programmes.
Rowing £300
Full junior £270
Saturdays Junior £150
Student rowing £50 (holidays only)
Coxswain £50RACK FEES
Single £ 140
Double or Pair £ 180
Four £ 220OTHER INFO
Website: www.moleseyboatclub.orgMolesey is a unique Club with winning rowers at every level of the sport from junior to veteran and from novice to Olympic champion; where we train hard, race hard and party hard; where everyone is an important member of the family; and whose members are positive contributors to the rowing world and the wider community.
06/07 was a great season for Molesey at every level with good performances and medals at the Heads of the River, Henley, U23 worlds, national schools regatta, Henley veterans regatta and National Championships but 2007/2008 should be the best ever as we move onwards and upwards
Its current aims are:
To develop members of the male senior squad to qualify for Great Britain selection and to win at Henley and in the Tideway Head To maintain the schools and junior squad within the limits of equipment and a manageable ratio of coaches, and to win events at all levels To increase the number of women in the female squad and to win more female events. To provide good facilities for competitive and recreational veterans. To encourage adults in a wide age range to learn and enjoy the sport of rowing. To improve social facilities for members. MORTLAKE, ANGLIAN AND ALPHA BC SQUAD MEETING
at MAABC boat house, Ibis Lane, Hartington Road, Chiswick W4 3UJ.Nearest transport – overland train from Waterloo/Clapham to either Mortlake or Chiswick.
Girls contact: Captain@maabc.com
Guys contact: james@maabc.com or 07747 651 374COACHES
Men’s Head Coach:
Tim BramfittSenior Women’s Coaching Team:
Ian Roots
George Jones
Piers RobinsonIntermediate Women:
Ken Williams
Sarah BlackburnNovice Women:
Chris DrakeNovice Men:
Tim Bramfitt
Jim RussellSUBS
Annual Full membership £320
Student £140
Cox freeRack rent £140 for indoor single.
Locker rental £10
Membership year runs from January to December.
Sept-Dec 2007 £107
Oct-Dec 2007 £80OTHER INFO
Website: www.maabc.comMortlake is a very friendly and successful club that caters for rowers of all abilities from Novices to GB Internationals.
We have a modern gym that is well equipped with free weights and machines. In addition we have a large fleet of racing boats comprising mostly Empachers and new Janouseks, including an extensive fleet of small boats.
The club has been highly successful over the past few years with athletes gaining international selection for the World Championships, Commonwealth Regatta and Home Countries. In the last two seasons the women’s squad has established itself as the top women’s club in the country, in terms of WHR, National Championships, HIR and Commonwealth representatives and winners, yet has still retained a personal and supportive atmosphere. Our coaching team has a wealth of experience of coaching women’s light and heavyweight scullers and rowers and has established a robust and successful system that includes a highly successful development group, many of whom came through our established novice programme. MAABC men’s squad, which finished the 2007 season with two crews racing at HRR and a National Championships medal-winning crew, also has strength in depth with an established novice and development group. The senior mens squad will concentrate on sculling and small boats coming together for the bigger events during the winter. The strong mens novice squad has access to excellent boats and coaching, and will be racing regularly throughout the head season building towards the head of the river.
Senior women– evening land training and morning water sessions through the winter, 7am at weekends.
Senior Men – mixture of morning and evening sessions with water sessions mainly in the evenings, weekends from 7.30am
Intermediate women – mainly from 9am at weekends with a development group at 7am. Weeknight land training sessions.
Novice Men and Women - 9am water sessions at weekends - landtraining during the week
Annual training camp will be around Easter shortly after the HoRR to prepare the top squads for the summer racing season.
Meeting for all non-novices 6th Sept at the Club HouseNOVICES
please turn up at the club any Thursday evening at 6.30pm or email ewels@enta.net for infoWOMEN’S SQUAD
Meeting TBA, please email JohnShaddock@lineone.net for infoSCULLING SCHOOL
Men’s Squad:
Peter Summers – Former Goldie & GB Oarsman and HRR Finalist. Finishing Coach for CULBC. petertsummers@btopenworld.comWomen’s Squad:
John Shaddock JohnShaddock@lineone.netSculling School:
Patrick Pearson – Applies Alexander technique to rowing/sculling, worked with GB squad at Leander and helped Steve Williams return to rowing after injury.General Coach:
Andrew Weston andreww@ecosse.netNovices:
Dave Ewells ewels@enta.netSUBS
Full Rowing £190.00Student/UB40 Rowing £85.00
Junior Rowing £35.00 / £85.00
£100 per boatOTHER INFO
Website: www.pengwernboatclub.comMen’s – We are looking to re-ignite the men’s squad, last minute crews were entered at HRR without enough preparation. These crews are the basis for next season where a full seasons training will enable the senior squad to achieve it’s aims of a top 100 finish at HORR, Qualify for HRR & in general success at both local and national regattas. We are keen to recruit any experienced oarsmen to help achieve our goals.
Women’s - While not being in the doldrums to the extent of the men they are however looking to step up from regional success to national. Bolstered by the return of a couple of members with wealth of experience (Commonwealth Medalist, OUWBC alumini & OULWBC) ambition for next year is high with a serious attempt attempt winning at WHR the main objective for the top squad. Squad however accommodates all levels of commitment.
Novices – looking to bring more members through to the senior squads through the grass roots.
Equipment – The club has an excellent fleet of boats including 2 Simms 8s, Lola 8, Empacher 4-, Empacher 4+, Several Janousek 4s, Several 2xs and a 2-. Also a large fleet of club sculls for all weights.
Club has ambitious development plans which can be viewed on our website.
Men’s Squad 11th September 8pm
Women’s squad 5th September 7.30pmThe squads are currently training so if you want to come down before these dates please contact us.
If you have any questions or would like to attend the squad meetings please contact Ben Melham (Club Captain) ben.melham@gmail.com, or you can just turn up to the meetings which will all be taking place at the PTRC boat house.
Senior Men’s Squad:
Richard Jones (Head Coach)
James DaveySenior Women’s squad:
Zsolt LadvenskyIntermediate & Beginner Squads
Paul KeaneSUBS
Adult: £25 a month
Website: www.putneytownrc.co.ukPutney Town is one of the largest club’s on the Tideway with an ever increasing fleet of Empachers, Filippis, Sims and Janouseks. Increased emphasis on the structuring of the club and the development of our athletes over recent years has led to increasing success with PT entering all major Heads over the winter, and the multilanes, HWR & HRR during the summer months. But we also enter smaller events ensuring all athletes are competing at a level where they will be most competitive and above all enjoy the sport.
We're located just upstream of Chiswick bridge, allowing us the choice of outings to both Putney and Richmond. We have a well equipped free weights room and also a large training hall equipped with ergos which is also used for circuit training.
The senior mens squad will be building from a year that saw us qualify for the Thames Cup at Henley as well as compete at the multilanes and enjoying some local regattas. Next year we are expecting to have a number of competitive VIIIs at HoRR, and then aim for more success at Henley after an Easter training camp. Senior Women's Squad
The senior women are moving forward following on from a winter which included Head pennants and a good placing at the WHR, a summer which has seen crews successfully competing at HWR, the multilanes and a number of regatta wins. We have a good range of equipment (for both lightweight/heavyweight women) and have just purchased of a brand new Filippi 8+ this summer.
We run an intermediate squad which takes on graduates from our beginner course and also those rowers who have been out of the sport for a while, this squad aims to develop athletes up to the level where they train and compete with the seniors.
We are also keen to recruit coxes and will provide full training for steering on the Tideway. One of our coaches used to cox so you won't get taken for granted!
As well as training Hard Putney Town also enjoys socializing with parties all year round, summer BBQ, dinner dance, pub quizzes, Burn’s Night, Christmas Party and loads more! And a bar that is open pretty much every night of the week. Basically any excuse will do for us!
5 minute walk for Kew Gardens Station (District Line)
10 minute walk from Mortlake Station (Mainline – Waterloo/Clapham Junction/Richmond line)
Also ample parking & loads of bus routes.QUINTIN BC SQUAD MEETING
Training for the 07/08 season is already underway so anyone wishing to consider Quintin as their club for the next rowing season should contact the captain by phone 07808 940 462 or email captain@quintinboatclub.orgThe first race of the year will be Wallingford LDS followed by the pairs head. Selection will then commence for HOR4s crews.
Head coach: TBCThe Captain is aiming to get each racing crew coached over the weekend.
We have qualified coaches who help out when required, some of whom have raced for GB at Olympics and other major regattas.
Under Review, TBCLast year's Subs were (fees will be similar this year)
Full Rowing £300
Students £120Rack Fees £130
Website: quintinboatclub.orgQuintin is primarily a racing club with a focus on enjoying the sport whilst not forcing all athletes to train at the club each and every day of the week.
With a new Gym on its way and a large selection of Empachers waiting to be used, Quintin is looking for new members of all standards.
The senior squad's focus is to put together the best boat possible to Race at major races between now and HRR .
Novices - Looking to bring more members through to the senior squads.
All squads receive coaching , with a number of our coaches having rowed for GB at the Olympics and major events.
Training is flexible in terms of fitting it around your work, you are not forced to train every morning , but there is a focus on getting racing crews out onto the water at least 2 times a week during the winter as well as at the weekends. Land training does not need to be done at the club, but if possible is recomended so that you have someone else to train with.
Corporate 8s Event and Open Day – 1st September 2007.Club Elections – 2nd September 2007.
Women's Squad Meeting – Monday 10th September 8pm at Reading RC boathouse for novice through to elite athletes – new and interested rowers welcome.
The women's senior squad in 2008 will develop both sculling and sweep opportunities for lightweight and openweight women combined with extensive sport science support.
Men's Squad Meeting – 9am 8th September 2007 Reading RC boathouse. We are in the process of hiring a Men's Head Coach to take on a squad of 35 Seniors/Intermediates and 15 Novices.
For more information please contact: The Club Captain - Sally Pollok-Morris by email sallypm@gmail.com or Tel: 07774518411
Women's Squad Head Coach:
Dr Charlie SimpsonMen's Squad Head Coach:
To be confirmedCoaching Team:
Will Curtis-Brown,
Murray Eldridge,
Jim Flood,
Henry Hirsch,
Peter Politzer,
Simon Tapley,
Alex Sharp,
Kirsty Jones,
Caroline Copley,
Paul Rushent,
Tom Cronin,
David Brown,
Rob Burnage,
Jennie Webster,
Ness Cauldwell,
Eira Parry,
Alex WilbeySUBS
Full Rowing £285.00Student /Junior Rowing £141.50
Colt £107.75
Joining Fee £30
Rack Fee £135 per seat
Lockers - £10 deposit plus £10 per year rental
Website: www.readingrc.orgRRC is a large, dynamic and friendly club catering for all ages and levels of experience. The boathouse is located on one of the most beautiful stretches of river Thames with 6km of uninterrupted rowing 'lock to lock'!! With over 80 members in our men's and women's squads, you'll not struggle to find people of similar ability and interests.
Competitive successes in the previous season for senior squads include wins at Women's Henley, Marlow, Metropolitan and Wallingford regattas in addition to a range of medals at the National rowing championships for junior and senior athletes in both sculling and sweep. Reading RC were national club champions in women's eights in 2007.
Reading RC has an excellent and expansive stock of new boats and oars to cater for all levels of athlete, including a range of boats and oars suitable for lightweight women and juniors. The Reading boathouse is also well equipped with a large erg training room and a weights room.
Reading RC has a friendly social atmosphere and runs many spontaneous and planned social functions throughout the year that include club BBQ's, dinners, themed parties and scratch regattas. The bar is also open every Thursday evening for drinks and food.
All squads (except Juniors) train at 6pm Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays as well as 9am either Saturdays or Sundays and this is a combination of both land and water training. Water training varies from small boats and sculling to 4's and eights.Contact information for both mens senior/novice and womens squads can be found on the club website.
Junior squads train Tuesday and Thursdays at 4pm and Weekends at 11am. If you are interested in joining our junior squad contact James Carew on 07845 589071.
Coaches include Chris Jackman, Peter English and Duncan Little all of who have an excellent history within the rowing world.SUBS
Subs range from £60 to £240
- depending on whether you row, coach, cox or are temporary/permanent.OTHER INFO
Website: www.rcrc.org.uk/rcrcclubsite/index.htmlThe club has had a number of both summer regatta wins and winter head race wins including S4 coxed 4's at ross and S3 at Hollingworth Lake. The club also retained the Jackson Trophy at this years Head of the river and are aiming to compete to retain the title again this coming winter.
The Veteran men's crews also have a reputation of dominating a large number of races. Overall, Royal Chester is a very competitive club that will make sure you find the right crew for you. It also boasts an ideal spot on the River Dee and is in the process of getting a new, top-of-the-range club house further down stream to its current location.
Socials are a intricate part of the rowing scene at Royal Chester with Squad meals, nights out and both Summer and Winter Balls.
Come along and try it out! No subs are required while you test the club out!
There is a pre-season meeting for everyone wishing to row at Sons in the upcoming year on Thursday 13th September at 7.15 at the club house. Please contact Men's or Women's captain for further details.If you are interested in joining, either as an experienced rower or as a beginner, you may also wish to come along to our informal Open Day on Sunday September 2nd between 13.00-16.00 to look round and meet some of the current members.
Women's Captain: Lyndsay Cambell. email: Lyndsay.Campbell@KPMG.co.uk
Men's Captain: Andrew Maunder. e-mail: a.c.maunder@herts.ac.ukCOACHES
The team includes:
Chris Morrison,
Becky Shaw,
Jamie LowSUBS
Full rowing membership £275
Student: £120OTHER INFO
Website: www.sonsrowing.co.ukSons of the Thames is a friendly mixed club based in Hammersmith. Members include graduates, students and professionals who want to row competitively whilst juggling the demands of work and social life. We also cater for veterans and social squads, who row on a more ad-hoc basis. Our aim is to encourage rowers to learn and develop the skills needed to enjoy rowing and sculling at whatever level you are aiming for. The club has a wide range of boats to suits the squads, as well as its own gym and a magnificent club house overlooking the river. We have an active social scene and recent events have included a Summer Barn Dance, Pub Quizzes and a regular Thursday night social in our club house.
Both the Men's and Women's squads are looking to build on their strong senior 3/4 group who have had a number of wins this summer including Twickenham, Maidenhead and Oxford City; as well as recruit novices. Next year, Sons will cater for both those wishing to train to qualify for Henley and for those wishing to train on a more relaxed basis as their other commitments allow. Winter training comprises of water sessions on weekend mornings and land training Monday to Thursday evenings. Our land training consists of ergs, weights and circuits and whilst we encourage people to train at the club we appreciate that work and other commitments may not permit this so the coaches allow training in athletes' local gyms.
For all of those who are interested in rowing at SBC next year:Women's Squad Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 6th September.
Men's Squad Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th August.
If you're unable to make the meeting then the various squad coordinators can be contacted via the club's squad pages
For general information, please contact the Captain, Craig Twaddle.
The team includes: Bob Slade, Cath Moore, Adam Gill, Tom Blackman, Jeremy Pollen, Ted Dyos, Carol Goldswain and Roy Dauncey.New coaches are most welcome.
Competing £260.00
Student/Junior/UB40 Competing £130.00
Leisure Rowing £170.00 (may not race)
Supporter/Coxing £45RACK FEES
£100.00 per boat indoors
£50.00 per boat outdoorsOTHER INFO
Website: www.stainesboatclub.co.ukStaines is a friendly and welcoming club with a good social side. We have a variety of membership categories to suit all, from the avid (every day, all week, come rain or shine) rower to the social only (the bar will suit me just fine) ex-rower. All squads have expanded in recent years with recent successes at HWR and at the Nat Champs.
at Thames boat house Putney Embankment.Open Day
Saturday 1 September 10am to 2pmStart of Season Meeting
Saturday 15th September at 9amContact:
Head Coach:
Lubomir (Lubo) KisiovAssistant Head Coach:
to be confirmedAlso: Clive Whitford,
Sheena Cassidy,
Will Pressley,
Antonia Schmiegelow,
Steve Austin,
Alex Duncan,
Julia Daffy,
Annie Christiansen,
Matt Higgs,
Martin Levy,
David Thomson,
Caroline Smith,
Emma James,
James McGruerSUBS
Full membership £495
Student £230
House membership £70
Cox £70Rack rent £220 for single.
Locker rental £50
Membership year runs from October to September. P
lease note that fees can either be paid in full or via instalments. For new members a one-off entry fee of £100 (£50 for students) is also payable.OTHER INFO
Website: www.thamesrc.co.ukCome and talk to current Thames rowers about the busy competitive and social life to be found down at the club.
Our new £1.1m building features an ergo room, heavy weights room, circuits gymnasium and physio/treatment room. An indoor rowing tank is under construction. In addition we have a £700k fleet of boats consisting of eights, fours, pairs and singles
In the past two years Thames members have won medals at all levels. These include World Cup medals; Commonwealth gold; National Championships medals, including gold; the Wyfold Challenge Cup (men’s club coxless fours, 2006) and the Remenham Challenge Cup (women’s eights, 2005) at Henley Royal Regatta; elite lightweight quads, elite singles, and intermediate eights at Henley Women’s Regatta. That’s on top of a variety of finalist places in the same regattas, Head race pennants, and pots and medals at summer regattas around the Thames region.
After racing the club bar is often open for celebrations and the parties we throw following the Men’s and Women’s Head of the River races are legendary.
Thames welcomes rowers of all abilities - from the very beginner up to Olympic level. With the new season beginning in a month now is the perfect time to find out what the club is like and what it can offer you.
The start of the season is the 15th Sept for both men and Women; please turn up at 9am with kit!
All senior athletes should meet at 10:30am on Sunday 16th September.Contact Stan Livy (captain)
stan.livy@googleREMOVETHISBITmail.com or
info@tidewayscullersREMOVETHISBITALSO .com
Tel 07950 910699COACHES
Chief Coach: Tom Gale
Assistant Coaches:
Mike Henessey
Phil Rowley
Zolt LaverinskyHigh Performance Assistance from
Richard Tinkler and Bill BarrySUBS
Membership £396 per annum with the following reductions
£276 Students
£276 Juniors
£200 High performance- this is subject to performance targets
£75 Coxing/Associate.Racking:
indoor £96 per annum,
arches £60 PA,
outdoor £50 PAOTHER INFO
Website: www.tidewayscullers.comTideway Scullers was set up in 1957 as a centre for Sculling Excellence and remains so to this day.
Last season Tideway Scullers won the Pairs head, the Fours head and the Scullers head. Breaking the record in the fours head and claiming 13 pennants in total at the Scullers Head. Internationally both the British No1 sculler Alan Campbell and the current World Champion Mahe Drysdale row for TSS. At the World Champs in Munich there will be a total of 7 Scullers gaining international vests including Tash Howard and Al Leighton-Crawford, in the GB W2- and LM1x respectively.
At Club level; in recent history the squads have produced Henley finalists and winners at Henley Women's Regatta. In 2006 Tideway Scullers was the most successful club at Nat champs and this year achieved 4 wins and numerous other medals. Several active members of the club squads have HIR or Commonwealth medals. There are also thriving lightweight sections for both men and women competing in both sculling and sweep.
The club also boasts a large veteran section of both genders and a more than thriving ladies-wot-lunch weekday group.
Following the the 50th Anniversary of the club earlier this year, the club has recently appointed it's first Full Time professional coach in Tom Gale which has had a suitably invigorating effect with the improvement of athletes from club to High Performance a high target.
Socially TSS has numerous functions throughout the year beginning for 2007-08 with the Alec Hodges Birthday Lunch on 23rd September. Tideway Scullers is a hugely inclusive club that consistently demonstrates that it is possible to compete successfully at the highest level whilst enjoying yourself.
Women's squad introductory meeting 4th September 7.30pmWomen's squad season starts 12th September 8am
Contact - women@twickenhamrc.net
Or Rachel Woolf at Rachel.Woolf@CHPD.comMen's squad introductory meeting 13th September 7.30pm
Men's squad season starts 15th September 8am
Contact - men@twickenhamrc.net
Or Gerald Elphicke on 07909 985 337COACHES
Senior women:
Rachel WoolfSenior men:
Gerald ElphickeSUBS
Full rowing - £300
Student rowing - £150OTHER INFO
Website: www.twickenhamrc.netFrom 2007 Twickenham's rowing ∓ surf boat squads are merging to compete at the highest club level of both sports. With our enlarged squads, we intend to build on the success of 2006-7 through:
We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly environment for new and established rowers alike.
- Continuing to innovate in our training.
- Individualised training programmes to acknowledge the fact that our rowers are all different and to fit around their working lives.
- Access to a sports psychologist, GB weightlifting coach; RFU strength and conditioning coaches etc.
Twickenham is the only London club with its own surf boat and although the Thames is a far cry from Bondi, Twickenham has become the London centre for Australians looking for a taste of home. They've brought an infectious enthusiasm for their sport and the ruthless competitiveness that you'd expect (many of the squad are national and state Surf boat medalists and also have extensive experience of rowing fine boats). The squad is currently 1st in the UK Surf Rowers League.
Several national rowing squads already use Surf boats as a means of cross training and we thought why not take the next step and have a truly unified approach. We believe that by working together we can produce stronger and faster crews in both disciplines.
Twickenham was 4th in S34+ at the 4s head of the river in 2006 and were finalists at key races in 2007 before pre-qualifying for the Brit at HRR. TWRC considerably enlarged men¹s squad intends to race 2 competitive 8s in 2007-8.Women
TWRC women are looking to build on the success of 2006-7 where the squad placed in the top 10 of S34+s at the 4¹s head; were semi-finalists at Reading; finalists at met and were highly competitive at women¹s Henley.Twickenham RC is just 20 minutes from London Waterloo and 10 minutes from Clapham Junction.
Senior Squads Meeting – TBCContact Will Hoodless (captain) joinutrc@hotmail.co.uk for more information on training times etc.
John Pilgrim-Morris
Will Hoodless
Plus othersSUBS
Annual Subscription £300Racking £200
Website: www.utrc.org.ukUpper Thames Rowing Club under new captain, Will Hoodless is seeking new, enthusiastic members to increase it’s successful Men’s and Women’s squads.
The club, which is undergoing a process of upgrading it’s facilities, has had improved success in lightweight and heavyweight sculling and rowing, and seeks new athletes to continue this success.
Excellent location – only club on the Henley Royal Regatta course.
Results for 2007:
- Henley Royal Regatta – 3 boats qualified, 2 crews through to Friday
- Henley Womens Regatta – 1 gold, 2 semi-finalist crews
- National Championships – 7 medals; 2 gold, 1 Silver, 4 bronze
- Wins and medals at Metropolitan and Ghent Regattas
Women’s Squad:
Thursday 30th August, 7.30pm in the Vesta Bar (please bring training kit).
(Plus friendly and informal drinks in the Vesta Bar on Wednesday 29th August, 7.30pm for potential new members to meet the coaches and current members)Men’s Squad:
Thursday 13th September, 7.30pm in the Vesta Bar (please bring training kit)All beginners / Novices
Wednesday 5th September, 7.30pm in the Vesta BarIf you miss any of these dates please see our website for further details or email the captain on harlowjim@hotmail.com
Senior Men: Pete Williams, Dave ClintonIntermediate Men: Jayne Bowers, Clare Holman, Graham Harvey
Novice Men: Jim Harlow, Paul Baldwin, Helen Christensen, Chris Harrison
Women: Andrew Trimble, Wil Tilbury (plus two new coaches to be announced)
Novice Women: Paul Lorenzato, Jason Gray
Full subs: £360
Coxes (Honorary): £50
Students: £100Racking: £125
Lockers: Free
Joining Fee: Gratis
Website: www.vrc.org.uk
Facebook:www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2302423221The Vesta women's squad is expanding... We have taken on extra coaches for the 2007-2008 season and are now particularly looking to build on our recent successes and to recruit:
Please come along to our pre-season drinks and meeting to find out more or email Andrew Trimble, andrewt@vrc.org.uk
- A small number of talented athletes with sculling experience to join our group looking towards trials this year (open or lightweight).
- As many committed athletes as we can muster to strengthen the depth of our squad to take us through the Women’s Eights Head (24th last year) and on to Henley Women’s Regatta and Nat Champs next summer.
- Coxes!
The Vesta men's squad is looking to step up one more gear and improve on our highly competitive performances last season, including a S2 win at Reading Regatta, two eights competing in The Thames Cup and finishing the Head of the River Race! (28th in 2006)
We expect to have at least three competitive crews in the HoRR and a minimum of 16 rowers competing at HRR. To facilitate these aims we will have a European training camp at Easter and a finishing camp in the UK for our competitive HRR crews.
As a minimum standard you would need to be competent enough to row/scull non-stop to Chiswick Bridge and back in a small boat (1x/2-) and be able to train safely unsupervised with heavy free weights.
So if you are looking for a well coached, hard training and ambitious squad and a club with the friendliest atmosphere on the Putney Hard please feel free to come to the pre-season meeting.
Vesta also welcomes beginner rowers for the men’s and women’s novice squads. We aim to have a group of 20 men and 20 women who have never rowed before. We will provide boats and coaching and we aim to get you competing by the end of the winter season in early 2008. Please come along to our pre-season meeting to hear about learning to row at Vesta.
Nothing so formal!Feel free to call our coaches on the numbers listed below, contact them by email or just turn up at the following times;
Mons 1930hrs Circuits
Tues 1900hrs Erg n Row
Thurs 1900hrs Erg n Row
Sats 1000hrs Erg n RowCOACHES
Women - Diane Graham
01932 240459
dianehwr@hotmail.co.ukMen - Bob Hopkins
07976 825536
Rowing £310.00Student Rowing £130.00
Website: www.walbrookrc.co.ukWe are based on the finest, non-tidal, Thames water at Teddington and near to Hampton Wick railway station. We take nearly anyone, anytime and pretty much any age, from raw beginner to experienced ex-university rowers, budding juniors, refugees from other clubs and discerning rowers looking for the best water and equipment.
We will encourage you and give you the opportunity to learn and develop the fitness and skills necessary to enjoy rowing and sculling at whatever level you aspire to. We have many good club sculls available too.
Women’s Squad – Saturday September 22nd, 8am in the bar at Wallingford Rowing Club. Training starts when the meeting finishes!If you can’t make the meeting, you’d like more information or you’re interested in starting straight away, please contact Bea Longworth on WomensCaptain@wallingfordrc.co.uk
Men’s Squad – No formal squad meeting, we’ll leave that to the women! For more info on training times or general enquires please contact Ted Bowler on thecaptain@wallingfordrc.co.uk or 07909 966585
We have a number of coaches based at the club, these include:
Pete Sudbury,
Mick Brind and
Karl Offord.SUBS
Subs for the coming year are £300,There is no joining fee and you even have the option to pay monthly by direct debit.
Website: www.wallingford.rowing.org.uk/Why come to Wallingford? Well, for a start we’ve got one of the best stretches of river in the country – 10k lock to lock. To quote Mick, our coach, ‘A stretch like this is such an advantage, it’s almost cheating!’ Speaking of Mick, he’s man with a plan and the track record to suggest we should take him seriously when he talks about medals at Henley and the Nat Champs.
As well as lovely water and a very dedicated head coach, we’ve also got plenty of boats, a recently refurbished bar (for squad conferences and carb loading, obviously ;-), newly refitted women’s changing facilities and extensive plans to update the club’s other facilities over the coming months.
This year our Women’s Squad has been turning heads, and it’s not just the bright red lycra. They were 48th in the Eights Head, winners in S3 8+ at Wallingford Regatta, semi-finalists at HWR and National Championship 4- bronze medalists. But there will be no laurel-resting – sights are set on even bigger and better things next year! As well as the Senior Women’s Squad (both competition and recreational levels), we also have a Novice Squad and a Vet Women’s Squad. They’re a friendly bunch and, whether you’re an experienced rower / sculler with a medal fetish or prefer to take a more chilled approach, you’ll be welcomed into the squad
The men’s squad had had a quiet year and are now looking to recruit more members at all levels from novice upwards. We have a good fleet of boats ready and waiting for you as well coaches to get you to compete at any level you want all the way to GB squad. So if you’re new to the area or just fancy a change of scenery give us a go!
Training Sessions are at the clubhouse (started Monday 10th September but its still not too late – come down!) on Monday evenings 7-9pm, and Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8am.Contact: weyrowclub@aol.com
Tel: 01932 842993
Or contact the Captain, Caroline Turnbull, on 01932 863897COACHES
Steve Heywood
Richard Harris
Caroline TurnbullSUBS
Senior member £240
Junior member £150
Student member £150
Coxing member £30
Associate member £30Rack Fees
Sculling rack (outside) £50
Sculling rack (inside) £100OTHER INFO
Website: www.weybridge.rowing.org.uk/At the moment Weybridge Rowing Club is seeking more Senior Women, particularly if you have experience in Sculling or Rowing to a competitive level (but if you are Novice/Veteran and/or a man you are also more than welcome!).
In recent years the club has supported both recreational and high level competitive rowing and sculling, and for the past three years has had a small number of scullers appearing regularly in and succeeding at top competitions.
We want to expand the more competitive element of the club into a larger Women's squad, from which we hope to build a group of committed, strong and competitive althetes with the sights of the Women’s Head and Women’s Henley in mind. But to do this we need you! Come and give us a try….