![]() | NOW THAT'S BAD LUCK. |
As a follow up to the article on Ali G's coverage of HRR (see below), The slug thought that you might be interested in a bit of coincidence - as the Dartmouth crew kissed by Borat in his 'Guide to Britain' were none other than the crew featured rather graphically in the article 'Lycra Etiquette' in the Old Slime section. In fact, for those of you with the Ali G episode on video, the 3rd guy kissed by Borat was the poor sod who bore the brunt of the the University of Bristol Alumni's fun...The slug can only guess that the Dartmouth boys must have left England somewhat confused by the antics that they experienced...
After receiveing an anonymous tip-off, The slug settled down in from of the TV and tuned in to Ali G on Friday night, and as expected, didn't have to wait too long before the topic of Henley Royal Regatta came up - as this week's subject of Borat's guide to Britian.Eager to see which members of the rowing fraternity were about to be humiliated by another alter ego of the man from Staines (funny how he never wears green and white stripes) the slug moved closer to the telly in antipation, and was not disappointed..
After Borat had introduced HRR (quite correctly) as "where old English gentlemen look at young muscled boys in a boat shaped like a man's ram. "... lo and behold who should appear on camera but the erstwhile Captain of Upper Thames Rowing Club the one and only Mr Paul Stuart-Bennett. There followed a short interview, during which Paul managed to cement the trust and respect of the entire UTRC women's squad.
"in the sport they (women) learn self control" he confided with a knowing wink, then, opening his mouth wide enough to get the other foot in, continued "they become very athletic, very attractive to western man... not so strong but lithe and flexible."
Having destroyed Mr Stuart-Bennett quite effectively, Borta then moved onto an unsuspecting Leander / Molesey member (otherwise known as Jonathan Steele) who was quickly losing patience with the apparent confusion between pigs and hippopotami " "and will we see these pigs in the water?" Borat enquired, ""no you won't, you'll see the boats belonging to the club that has pigs on its badge" came the exasperated reply
""Oh, they have a pig in the boat...why do they carry the pig in the boat"
After kissing all the male member's of a visiting American crew (Dartmouth?) while carefully avoiding their female cox, the next rowing target was none other that Kingston RC member Double R". After commenting on how beautiful his moustache was Borta went where no one else has ever dared to tread... "May I ask, you are a man who does with another man?"
"No, Definitely not" declared Double R.
The whole thing really needs to be watched to be fully appreciated... but fear not as I do have a copy on video (if any of the UTRC girls fancy a look when they get back from Gent).
The Awesome Foursome - no doubt still rattled by the power that is the Upper Thames coxless four - appear to have taken to nobbling any threat to their supremacy. So fearful are they of being wopped on the Henley waters, that even women - and lightweights at that - are being dealt with.......Looking back into the grey mist of the past winter, the Slug recalls a certain Jo "am I redhead?, I don't know" Nitsch boastfully reporting that in some awful wintry conditions, she and her now 2X partner (Tracy "nice to see you, to see you - NICE" Langlands) kept on crushing the mighty Matthew Pinsent when they were all in singles. It was clear that the lightweight ladies' gentle touch in the rough was far beyond the delicate Mr Pinsent - and like a couple wasps, they kept buzzing around young Matthew's helmet and showing him how it should be done...
Perhaps this episode has not been forgotten after all. For it would seem that Mr Pinsent has had his revenge. Our Olympic LW2X hopefuls took delivery of a gleaming, bright and sparkling new yellow boatie yesterday, and this did not go unnoticed..... Handling his bicycle with all the delicacy that he does his single scull, Mr Pinsent somehow managed to launch his bike through the hull of the virgin vessel.
His good work done, he did the honourable thing and owned up to his "little accident". Our lightweight ladies laughed it all off - they know what a joker Big Matt can be and they saw straight through his little wind-up. Off they went to rig their yellow beauty, chuckling gently........
And my, how they roared at the sight of it all.......